Tears | Teen Ink


July 24, 2012
By thinkofsomethingbetter GOLD, Tallmadge, Ohio
thinkofsomethingbetter GOLD, Tallmadge, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 35 comments

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in short, being vegen just makes you better then everyone else.
- scott pilgrim vs the world. best movie ever!

When your mouth tells lies of how everything is fine,these tell the truth.

Down the curves of your face, like a deep flowing river that could drown the world.

An uninvited guest when your hurt or flustered.

A relieve of pain stress and sorrow.

Soft and saltier then the red sea.

When everything else disappoints, these never fail to make you shake, itch and burn.

The river flows when you're happy or sad without a notice; by natural ability.
The river dries when all is done.

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