What Is A Woman | Teen Ink

What Is A Woman

March 28, 2013
By necci SILVER, Denver, Colorado
necci SILVER, Denver, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 45 comments

Favorite Quote:
-Women are many things to humans, but the one thing they are not is dominated by men.
-If a single act of hate can do so much damage, what can a single act of kindness do?

What is a woman?
To some a woman is a maid, a woman who cleans her life through.
To others a woman is the doctor, nursing her patients in their time of need.
To a few, a woman is defenseless. Forever doomed too serve the men.
Too most a woman is a general bearing war and organization to the house and world.
To you a woman is a rock standing tall against a crashing wave.
To me a woman is an everyday hero watching the world in a strong point of view.

The author's comments:
i hate it when women are picked on because people think that they are the weaker gender when a lot of the changes in the world were done because of women.

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