The 2 types of admirers | Teen Ink

The 2 types of admirers

June 23, 2013
By theatregirl PLATINUM, Lathrup Village, Michigan
theatregirl PLATINUM, Lathrup Village, Michigan
30 articles 12 photos 209 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To thine own self be true," -from Hamlet, a play by Shakespeare.
"I have sworn on the altar of god eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man." - Thomas Jefferson

Affectionate heart

Love tenderly


Wanting figure

Striking spirit

That at once announce intelligence and virtue

Is not the admiration of a lover


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This article has 3 comments.

on Jun. 10 2014 at 7:39 pm
Z.V.Oksana PLATINUM, Harrison, Arkansas
22 articles 1 photo 60 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Maybe you can afford to wait. Maybe for you there's a tomorrow. Maybe for you there's one thousand tomorrows, or three thousand, or ten, so much time you can bathe in it, roll around it, let it slide like coins through you fingers. So much time you can waste it.
But for some of us there's only today. And the truth is, you never really know.”
― Lauren Oliver, Before I Fall

I like the unique formation of the poem.  I think it's beautiful and simple, I like it! :)

on Nov. 30 2013 at 12:35 am
theatregirl PLATINUM, Lathrup Village, Michigan
30 articles 12 photos 209 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To thine own self be true," -from Hamlet, a play by Shakespeare.
"I have sworn on the altar of god eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man." - Thomas Jefferson

Thanks It's actually a blackout style poem I wrote using words from the book sense and sensibility. Thanks sooo much for the feedback

on Nov. 17 2013 at 6:54 am
Ray--yo PLATINUM, Kathmandu, Other
43 articles 2 photos 581 comments

Favorite Quote:
God Makes No Mistakes. (Gaga?)
"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right." -Liesel Meminger via Markus Zusac, "The Book Thief"

Simply beautiful :)