Summer's End | Teen Ink

Summer's End

August 7, 2013
By Kinners GOLD, Haven City, California
Kinners GOLD, Haven City, California
19 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm a TEMP from CHISWICK!!"


Summer’s end, oh bittersweet day
You slipped past me with but a breeze
All the ideas in my mind
All the projects I left behind
With Summer’s end, my life’s delay

How long before I taste your freedom?
Soft and sweet and limitless
For ten more months I am cursed
Schoolwork’s sour my lips to purse
So take your delusions, I don’t need ‘em

Intelligence sets high the bar
Responsibilities required
They all say that it’ll make me great
That the world I’ll facilitate
But I always thought that time was far

What if I don’t want to go?
Nobody asked my thought in this
Another day, another toil
But why do I feel utterly foiled
Why do I think I don’t want to know?

And yet the cycle goes on and on
We’re never the same after summer nor school
We’re taller, we’re fitter
You hate her, you miss her
I fear the change, oh, what went wrong?

I can’t avoid it, try I might
Change is part of all who breathe
And now I am here
But the classroom feels queer
Think not of my unearthly plight

Enjoy your childhood, while it lasts
The warming air, the sunkissed grass
I feel it bleeding out of me
Replaced by mediocrity

The author's comments:
I had no idea where to put this, so I put it under free verse. It's part sonnet, part limerick, all school's-in nostalgia. Reading over it, my heart felt nonexistent. Or maybe it was just because I was listening to the right music. Anyway, have fun with the new school year.

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