How can I sleep? | Teen Ink

How can I sleep?

December 9, 2014
By Anonymous01 PLATINUM, Baldwinsvillle, New York
Anonymous01 PLATINUM, Baldwinsvillle, New York
29 articles 0 photos 63 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."
-Ernest Hemingway

In and out
I feel your chest
Rise and fall beside me.

How can I sleep?
Knowing you’re so close to me.
How can I close my eyes?
When your beauty lights the room.
How can I shut my lips?
When yours are just a turn away.

I hear you sigh
In your sleep,
And I become aware of your presence
All over again.

Stretching out
I begin to realize
That we are tied together.
An arm stuck beneath a head,
A leg wrapped around a leg.
Where one starts,
The other ends.

I turn around
And your face
Is right next to mine.
Your features are softer now,
Relaxed by the sound of sleep.

I lift my hand and gently
Trace your cheek,
Then wrap my arm around you,
Bury my head in your strong,
Warm chest,
And fall asleep.
Lulled by the sound
Of your gentle heart
And your chest moving air
In and out.

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