Lemons | Teen Ink


November 5, 2014
By Ray--yo PLATINUM, Kathmandu, Other
Ray--yo PLATINUM, Kathmandu, Other
43 articles 2 photos 581 comments

Favorite Quote:
God Makes No Mistakes. (Gaga?)
"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right." -Liesel Meminger via Markus Zusac, "The Book Thief"

How do I tell life

just how tired I am of

making lemonade..

The author's comments:

Ah, life

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This article has 10 comments.

on May. 8 2015 at 12:54 am
Ray--yo PLATINUM, Kathmandu, Other
43 articles 2 photos 581 comments

Favorite Quote:
God Makes No Mistakes. (Gaga?)
"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right." -Liesel Meminger via Markus Zusac, "The Book Thief"

Thanks, it means a lot coming from you.

JRaye PLATINUM said...
on May. 6 2015 at 11:14 am
JRaye PLATINUM, Dorr, Michigan
43 articles 10 photos 523 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you build your house far enough away from Trouble, then Trouble will never find you."

"Have you ever looked fear in the face and said, 'I just don't care.'?"

Oh my actual goodness - how did this not get Editors Choice? This is amazing, so clever and bittersweet, I absolutely love it :)

on May. 4 2015 at 11:40 am
Ray--yo PLATINUM, Kathmandu, Other
43 articles 2 photos 581 comments

Favorite Quote:
God Makes No Mistakes. (Gaga?)
"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right." -Liesel Meminger via Markus Zusac, "The Book Thief"

Thank you very, very much.

on Apr. 26 2015 at 4:12 pm
That_Writer_Girl BRONZE, White Plains, New York
2 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You do not write your life with words...You write it with actions. What you think is not important. It is only important what you do.”
― Patrick Ness, A Monster Calls

“Here's what I think," I say and my voice is stronger and thoughts are coming, thoughts that trickle into my noise like whispers of truth. "I think maybe everybody falls," I say. "I think maybe we all do. And I don't think that's the asking."
I pull on her arms gently to make sure she's listening.
"I think the asking is whether we get back up again.”
― Patrick Ness, The Knife of Never Letting Go

This is why I love poetry. You can say something so powerful in less than 20 words! This is an amazing poem, but then again, all of your poems are amazing, so...

on Mar. 1 2015 at 7:21 am
Ray--yo PLATINUM, Kathmandu, Other
43 articles 2 photos 581 comments

Favorite Quote:
God Makes No Mistakes. (Gaga?)
"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right." -Liesel Meminger via Markus Zusac, "The Book Thief"

I know right!... haha, just kidding, of course. Thanks, a lot.

on Mar. 1 2015 at 7:02 am
Allen. PLATINUM, Palo Alto, California
32 articles 9 photos 525 comments

Favorite Quote:
[i]No matter how much people try to put you down or make you think other things about yourself, the only person you can trust about who you really are is you[/i] -Crusher-P

Ahhh, I feel the same. I'm rather surprised this hasn't gotten in the magazine, to be honest. It's so compelling and smart.

on Dec. 8 2014 at 8:03 am
Ray--yo PLATINUM, Kathmandu, Other
43 articles 2 photos 581 comments

Favorite Quote:
God Makes No Mistakes. (Gaga?)
"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right." -Liesel Meminger via Markus Zusac, "The Book Thief"

thank you very much.

alioops SILVER said...
on Nov. 26 2014 at 1:49 pm
alioops SILVER, North Hollywood, California
8 articles 2 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What moves men of genius, or rather, what inspires their work, is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is still not enough."
- Eugene Delacroix

Wow. That was beautiful. It's really the shortness that makes it so powerful. It's so effortlessly witty and it really makes you think. Brilliant!

on Nov. 12 2014 at 8:36 am
Ray--yo PLATINUM, Kathmandu, Other
43 articles 2 photos 581 comments

Favorite Quote:
God Makes No Mistakes. (Gaga?)
"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right." -Liesel Meminger via Markus Zusac, "The Book Thief"

I'm sor.ry, but this is how haikus are supposed to be.

on Nov. 11 2014 at 8:45 am
Losutus_soul BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 26 comments
too short.