Perfect | Teen Ink


June 12, 2012
By Number_One_Mommy GOLD, Springfield, Oregon
Number_One_Mommy GOLD, Springfield, Oregon
10 articles 14 photos 80 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Your Only Out Of The Game, When You Take Yourself Out!"
-My Daddy

Verse 1:
Every time that I think about it
My heart goes overboard
The way you smile when I say it
Makes my life worth living for
And every time that you kiss me softly
I can’t believe it’s not a dream
Cause when I’m around you I can’t get enough
Let me tell you what you mean to me…

You make my heart do flips, make my head spin around
Make me feel like I’m floating off the ground
When you put your arms around me and hug me tight
I know everything’s gonna be alright
And when the days get dark and there’s no way out, you’re the one I think about
Cause when I think about your smile and your eyes
I know that I’ve found my One Perfect Guy (2x)
(Yeahh eahh eahh ohh)

Verse 2:
So now you know what’s always on my mind
And what fills my heart everyday
I lie in bed and count all the stars
Wish and hope and pray for all the broken hearts that they
Find a love just like mine, happy and free all the time
Jump and run till I can’t breathe, when I think about you and me

You make my heart do flips, make my head spin around
Make me feel like I’m floating right off the ground
When you put your arms around me and hug me tight
I know everything’s alright
And when the days get dark and there’s no way out, you’re the one I think about
Cause when I think about your smile and your eyes
I know that I’ve found my One Perfect Guy (2x)

So when you hear this song and feel it in your heart
Just remember that were never far apart
And when you think about a summer love so sweet
You can think about I sing about how….

You make my heart do flips, make my head spin around
Make me feel like I’m floating right off the ground
When you put your arms around me and hug me tight
I know everything’s alright
And when the days get dark and there’s no way out, you’re the one I think about
Cause when I think about your smile and I think about your eyes
I know that I’ve found my One Perfect Guy (4x)

The author's comments:
Please Reply it would be nice to know any changes that would be beneficial and yeah ha Hope you guys like it this id going to be a new song that im going to demo ha YEAH!

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This article has 1 comment.

luvyagurl said...
on Jul. 9 2012 at 9:01 am