Alternate Lyrics--Lullaby for a Frost Giant | Teen Ink

Alternate Lyrics--Lullaby for a Frost Giant

June 15, 2013
By Kinners GOLD, Haven City, California
Kinners GOLD, Haven City, California
19 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm a TEMP from CHISWICK!!"


Fate has been cruel and Odinson blind
How can I have made you this way?
The blame was my own, the punishment yours
My conscience is silent today

But all through your anguish I’ll bring you a song
As long as your bitter tears weep
In hope that we might, in some future time
Once more as brothers can meet

Once did a warrior prince, bravest of all
Look out o’er his kingdom and sigh
He smiled and said surely there’s no other being
So mighty or so well beloved as I

So great was his reign and so brilliant his glory
That long was the shadow he cast
Which fell dark upon the young brother he loved
And grew only darker as days and nights passed

Lullay, Asgardian, goodnight brother mine
Rest now in shadow’s embrace
Bear up my lullaby, deeps of my soul
Through realm and through time and through space
Carry my goodwill with your troubled heart
And carry my sorrow in kind
Loki, you’re loved so much more than you know
Forgive me for being so blind

Soon did that warrior take notice that others
Did not give his brother his due
And neither had he loved him as he deserved
He watched as his brother’s unhappiness grew

But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly
Takes hold of the mind of its host
That foolish Asgardian did nothing to stop
The corruption of one who had needed him most

Lullay, Asgardian, goodnight brother mine
Rest now in shadow’s embrace
Bear up my lullaby, deeps of my soul
Through realm and through time and through space
Carry my goodwill with your troubled heart
And carry my sorrow in kind
Loki, you’re loved so much more than you know
If only I’d been less unkind
And forgive me for being so blind

The future before you
Fearful and unknown
I never imagined
You’d face it on your own

May your stormy winter
Swiftly pass, I pray
I love you
I miss you
Though it’s me you hate

May all your dreams be sweet tonight
Freed from your hatred and spite
And know not of sadness, pain, or care
I know there’s goodness hidden in you somewhere


The author's comments:
This song is to the tune of Lullaby for a Princess by Ponyphonic. Listening to his work, I realized how similar the stories of the brothers and the alicorns are, so I came up with these alternate lyrics. Enjoy! :)

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