Lost &Found | Teen Ink

Lost &Found

July 31, 2011
By ZydecoVivo PLATINUM, Concord, North Carolina
ZydecoVivo PLATINUM, Concord, North Carolina
38 articles 1 photo 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I reject your reallity and substitute my own"- Adam Savage
"Words have no power to impress without the exquisite horror of their reality."-Edgar Allen Poe
"It's not that the questions were too hard, it's that they were too easy."-Ayn Rand

The little velvet moose sits upon the floor
His silent tears glisten on his brown fur.
Nothing the same since I walked out the door.
Now he sits on the floor, never to stir.

I can’t tell the moose of my lasting love.
Or of the new nightmares and the new friend
Nor strange thoughts that have the coo of a dove
The only thoughts he has are of the end.

Now I walk back to the forgotten room.
The moose is on the floor facing the wall.
I open the door to a world of gloom.
I find the moose and take him to the hall.

Now the moose sits on my bed, just smiling.
Enjoying the love, no longer crying.

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