Turning Back Time | Teen Ink

Turning Back Time

November 29, 2011
By NotWriting_Bazinga PLATINUM, Park Rapids, Minnesota
NotWriting_Bazinga PLATINUM, Park Rapids, Minnesota
33 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
"She thought in Italics and felt in CAPITALS." Henry James, Jr
"The terrible part is the truth is the only thing you want to hear.... but the last thing you want to admit." Casey Dalton

Masqueraded, our thoughts
With deceit and hateful expressions
Confusing us with pain stricken shots
Filled with her false impressions
She hid you from our eyes
Taking away your love and affection
Filling our minds full of lies
Making us lose your fatherly connection
I wish I could turn back time
So I could drowned in your loving embrace
And know you were always mine
So I could always look upon your face
But now I will always have you
And I know your love is true

The author's comments:
This was part of my father's birthday present.

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