Joker in the Pack | Teen Ink

Joker in the Pack

October 27, 2015
By Katyaini SILVER, Greater Noida, Other
Katyaini SILVER, Greater Noida, Other
9 articles 0 photos 85 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is like a chocolate covered chilly....

Some succeed because they're destined to;
Most succeed because they're determined too

I make a duck face,
poke out my tongue;
they jeer at me,
thinking it’s plain dumb.

I bare my teeth like a Tigress;
lick the milk off my upper lip;
rumple my hair in a mess,
they laugh again as I pretend to trip.

I bring my pupils in the center,
not knowing what it’s called;
they shrug away my banter,
I’ve got them stalled.

I hide my tears from them,
they’ll think I’m too dull;
but can’t they see my problem,
do they think I’m just too dull?

It’s pathetic, I know,
to act so they’ll notice me,
but I’m changing to have a go
and this isn’t how I’ll always be.

I’ll change, become cool, more fun,
they’ll have to look at me;
then the real me won’t make them run,
I know. I’ll change the way they see.

They’ll get curious, one day or another,
to know who ‘Crazy KC’ is in real;
they won’t be cowered away forever,
and will try to understand the deal…

The author's comments:

Well, I know what I wrote before this was even more pathetic so I'm counteracting this one with that unpublised one.... Pathetic + Less Pathetic = Neutral (or, at least, I hope so)

Anyway, this one's true, inspired not from 'Thirteen reasons why' but from 'a thousand an more reasons WHY NOT' (okay, agreed, there's no book with this title but you understand what I mean and even if you don't, doesn't make much of a difference)

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