Twilight by Stephanie Meyer | Teen Ink

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

January 19, 2010
By DomClaudeFrollo GOLD, Greenville, North Carolina
DomClaudeFrollo GOLD, Greenville, North Carolina
10 articles 1 photo 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can't help being a gorgeous fiend... it's just the card I drew."
~ Lestat

People of all ages love light and 'fluffy' romance. While I myself am not Twilight's largest supporter by any means - I will admit that I myself am drawn to the appeal of a good story that ends in a good way, every now and then. I read Prince Otto for this reason. ;) So it may not be just peer pressure that draws teenage girls to Twilight. It is perhaps the fact that there is a heroine that they can relate to, in a relationship that is out of the ordinary and draws them away from their humdrum lives.

And with that said, I will now say that I do not think Twilight is healthy reading for teenagers, by any means. I think Edward Cullen is the epitome of the perfect abusive boyfriend, ergo it promotes abusive relationships and the idea that every woman has her "Edward" out there, aka her "strong, protective boyfriend who offers guidance". Their relationship is not deep, by any means, as you stated - but not many teenage relationships are. Also, I think that any teenage girl can really relate to Bella is sad, because Bella to me is vacant, dependent, silly, and whiny.

Besides the bad writing that pollutes our children's and teenager's minds, the vampires are absolutely ridiculous. Vampires do not sparkle in the sunlight - go read Anne Rice, people, if you want true gothic romance and real vampires. Edward Cullen and his brood break every rule in the book. Also, (and I know this is a touchy subject, also seeing as how I read LKH *clears throat*) HOW do vampires ... procreate? They're dead, aren't they? Do they breathe, as well? I too, am a writer, I too, strive for creativity and individuality. However, I think Stephenie Meyers missed that mark completely.


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