Eve and Adam by Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate | Teen Ink

Eve and Adam by Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate

January 2, 2013
By PhantomofBroadway GOLD, Cumberland, Rhode Island
PhantomofBroadway GOLD, Cumberland, Rhode Island
14 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I may be small, but I've got giant plans to shine as brightly as the sun. -Astonishing, Little Women the Musical
It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. -Macbeth

Every girl has dreamed of the perfect guy. He would look just right, act just right, and be wonderful in every single way. In the book “Eve and Adam,” Evening Spiker gets to do just that.
In a whirlwind of events, Evening is hit by a car, rushed to hospital, checked out of the hospital by her mother, and rushed to a different hospital in her mother’s drug research facility. To save her from dying of boredom, her mother gives her a project: create the perfect boy. Of course, she names him Adam (Evening=Eve). Meanwhile, she meets a real guy named Solo. They have a connection, but it is revealed to the reader (from Solo’s point of view) that his past is mysterious. Solo also helps Eve discover that her mother may not be the person she says she is. Throughout the story, Eve learns that not everyone can be trusted, and sometimes the wrong things have the right motives.
“Eve and Adam” is filled with unexpected twists and turns. For me, some of them were too much. Random background characters who end up being evil? The perfect boy Eve created ends up not being perfect? It was a little too much of a stretch. However, the book was written very well and was pretty interesting. I would recommend it to readers who love suspense and love to be kept guessing.

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