New Super Mario Bros | Teen Ink

New Super Mario Bros

December 9, 2008
By Anonymous

new super mario bros is a great game. it may be a recycled video game, but they made so well, no cares it is recycled. The single player was fun and challenging. I hate easy games, but games too hard are games not worth playing.this game isn't like that. it is one of those games that may be hard as you progress, but you feel like you know you can beat it and just need to buckle down and try harder. The multiplayer is exciting. play against another friend is fun, i just wish the mario vs luigi could be on teams and that it is at least four player. the minigames are amazing as well. some minigames could have been done without, but other than that, there are great. the minigame "Wanted!" was episcally fun. when playing with friends, it tests how fast you can move a stylus and how well you can identify mario characters no matter where they are. i give this game 9.7 out of 10.0 buy this game if you have a nintendo ds, you'll love it.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 1 2015 at 10:57 am
UltimateZeldafan SILVER, Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"light is only a brighter dark, while dark is the only thing that will remain."- Jay Johnston
"Its not about the mask you wear to fit in, but about the face underneath"- Majora`s Mask 3DS
"Here`s for all who died, and to the next man to die to!"- N/A

I agree with Jtatsu. You barely mentioned ANYTHING that goes against the game, and you also have many major grammatical errors in the artical. Some thing(s)that you can do to improve your "game review" is get people`s opinions about the game. If you cant do that, then look up what pro-reviewers have to say about it on GOOGLE. And, most importantly, have fun with it. It seems that this review is something you threw together in a couple seconds and forgot what to say most of the time. Keep on trying to think of a way to put detail into it. Ask yourself: "What did I like about the game?" After you wrote an answer to that, ask yourself: "Why did I like that thing" and just keep going on like that. Then do the same thing for the stuff you did not like, and then check it, fix grammer, then publish it.

on Feb. 11 2015 at 7:58 pm
Jtatsu PLATINUM, East Brunswick, New Jersey
26 articles 0 photos 77 comments
Your review is very short and seems somewhat biased. You hardly mention any cons of the game, and you do not use correct grammar in many places. This review could have been a lot better if you had revised it, and written it with a more open mind.