Simply Him... | Teen Ink

Simply Him...

February 18, 2009
By je_suis_jolie SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
je_suis_jolie SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
6 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"No one dies a virgin, the world screws us all."-Hailey Lamoreaux

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This art has 22 comments.

on Dec. 30 2011 at 6:16 pm
XxXBella.AmoreXxX, That Small Suburb By Manhattan., New York
0 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
"But can you love someone, who doesn't love you back?"

" I'd rather laugh with the sinners, than cry with the saints"

Tht guy is soo cool!!!! His wings r awesome!?!?! *sigh* I wish I had wings lolol

AvaJay GOLD said...
on Nov. 11 2011 at 4:53 pm
AvaJay GOLD, Spokane, Washington
13 articles 4 photos 184 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not pray for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it.
~ Tagore

I was wondering the same thing!

on Oct. 13 2011 at 10:13 am
BeutifulRose BRONZE, Wyndmere, North Dakota
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I hate itti bitty nasty balicious peas"

I have a question, Is this a picture of Fang from the Maximum Ride Series? That's who it really reminds me of.

on May. 14 2011 at 11:26 pm
Br0k3n_BaBy_D0LL GOLD, Madisonville, Kentucky
10 articles 2 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence

- Leonardo da Vinci

sooo cool . . . luv the wings:)

on Jan. 12 2011 at 12:27 pm
Karma_Crow PLATINUM, Savannah, Georgia
48 articles 1 photo 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Behold thy sorrow of the tears that streak down our cheek and made upon of what he is. Behold our sorrow that we hold within us. Show ye thee of the how we feel of each of us."- Lestat

Is this from a book? If so...what book? And what is it of?


As well as this photo is quite nice and I love the wings. Keep it up. <3

on Nov. 29 2010 at 9:57 am
Broken_Butterfly BRONZE, Baltimore, Ohio
3 articles 6 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
four little time to heal...I only wish this fleeting peace would last a little longer- Jushiro Ukitake (Bleach)
"If it's me, it would be a waste not to dance no matter what."-tite kubo
"Friendship that embraces all"- tite Kubo

Simply Beautiful! Wings are very classy!

_Mags_ SILVER said...
on Jun. 19 2010 at 8:57 pm
_Mags_ SILVER, Somewhere, North Carolina
9 articles 7 photos 436 comments

Favorite Quote:
- I stare danger in the face and giggle
- Never argue with an idiot, people might not know the difference
-R.A.P (Retards Attempting Poetry)
-Tip Cologne ryhmes with alone

wow that is amazing

on May. 25 2010 at 9:35 pm
MangaLover BRONZE, Unalska, Alaska
3 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
u know ur in luv when u cant fall asleep cuz reality is finaly better than ur dreams...

yeah, now that i think about it, the wings arnt as thick as fangs would be..... and i LOVE MAximUM RIDE!!!


on May. 20 2010 at 2:57 pm
featheredfreefall BRONZE, Simsbury, Connecticut
4 articles 17 photos 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live and let live. Be free and let be free.

from maximum ride? i love those books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is my favorite series ever! i think i pictured the wings a little bigger if it was Fang though....

on Apr. 1 2010 at 11:28 pm
MangaLover BRONZE, Unalska, Alaska
3 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
u know ur in luv when u cant fall asleep cuz reality is finaly better than ur dreams...

too bad, it would be the awsomest FANG!!! in the world

on Apr. 1 2010 at 11:27 pm
MangaLover BRONZE, Unalska, Alaska
3 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
u know ur in luv when u cant fall asleep cuz reality is finaly better than ur dreams...

very cute, looks like FANG!!, i love this type of drawing and how it has WINGS!!!!


on Apr. 1 2010 at 5:34 pm
HeatherBee BRONZE, I Live In, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1979 comments

Favorite Quote:
Go on and try to tear me down. I will be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper

Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect

whoa hes cute!! lol

on Mar. 9 2010 at 9:55 am
okay. THIS IS NOT FANG!! if you look up on GOOGLE or any other image site and type in DN ANGEL its DARK from that anime! gah!

on Mar. 1 2010 at 4:57 pm
GoddessAbby BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
My favorite quote is from Maximum ride "Fly on!" of "Soar to survive."

I think it's supposed to be Fang,too.

on Jan. 25 2010 at 7:52 pm
...PensiveGurl... PLATINUM, Aurora, Colorado
20 articles 0 photos 267 comments

Favorite Quote:
You get ideas from daydreaming. You get ideas from being bored. You get ideas all the time. The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we're doing it- Neil Gaiman.
Who are you to be who you are?-Le'Na Pernell

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

Lil-Dragon said...
on Dec. 12 2009 at 9:08 pm
aaaahhhhh anime i love this who is he hes like the rat from fruit baskets and the angel in angels of death i love it L)

on Dec. 7 2009 at 3:34 pm
Minnesota BRONZE, Scandia, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something is more important than fear." -Ambrose Redmoon

I think it's supposed to be Fang.

on Nov. 23 2009 at 1:15 pm
vampire_coshia BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 5 comments
i love anime..its beautful, awesome

on Nov. 20 2009 at 5:45 pm
IsobelFree DIAMOND, Hamilton, Other
71 articles 20 photos 296 comments

Favorite Quote:
"As long as there is open road, the familiar has the most formidable competitor." - Anonymous

Is that maximum ride in which case omg!!!! even if it's not i love it!!!!!

*Leon* BRONZE said...
on Oct. 29 2009 at 7:15 pm
*Leon* BRONZE, El Mirage, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
the tie makes the outfit but the shoes make the man

wow this is i'm speachless it's beautiful