Teen other images | Teen Ink

Other Images

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Other Other Images

lily_elizabeth SILVER, Akron, Ohio
7 articles 7 photos 0 comments
By coco-deng BRONZE
Great Barrington, Massachusetts
coco-deng BRONZE, Great Barrington, Massachusetts
1 article 11 photos 1 comment
ILiveToRead PLATINUM, Wailuku, Hawaii
24 articles 3 photos 150 comments
ILiveToRead PLATINUM, Wailuku, Hawaii
24 articles 3 photos 150 comments
Prabhnoor, N/a, Columbia
0 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Given for one instant an intelligence which could comprehend all the force's by which nature is animated and respective positions of the beings which compose it...nothing would be uncertain, and the future as the past would be present I to its eyes."
-Pierre Simon, marquis de Laplace (c.1820)

maxselver, Tenafly, New Jersey
0 articles 11 photos 0 comments
By zmpayne
Huntsville, Alabama
zmpayne, Huntsville, Alabama
0 articles 4 photos 0 comments
By Iris041019
Great Neck, New York
Iris041019, Great Neck, New York
0 articles 9 photos 0 comments