January 5, 2010
By pjknoebel GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
pjknoebel GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The University values an educational environment that provides all members of the campus community with opportunities to grow and develop intellectually, personally, culturally and socially. In order to give us a more complete picture of you as an individual, please tell us about the particular life experiences, perspectives, talents, commitments and/or interests you will bring to our campus. In other words, how will your presence enrich our community?

I sent myself to the principal’s office once in first grade. It was during recess one day that Chad and I decided to toss a large rock over the blue slide. We weren’t terrible kids; we were just trying to see who could throw the rock the farthest.

So there I was staring the principal in the eyes when he said, “Chad come here. You’re in trouble.” He didn’t see me, how could he not. That was fine with me because all I knew is that I was in the clear and Chad would take the blame. The Mr. Budish (the principal) asked where the rock was. I gave it to him and ran off to go play soccer. While playing soccer I couldn’t help but think I had betrayed Chad. So after about five minutes of guilt I walked up to Mr. B and said I was tossing the rock too.
It sunk in about half way to the office. What did I just do! I could have been fine but now I’m in trouble. What an idiot! Any other kid would act like it never happened and go home the same but I turned myself in! I couldn’t. My mind would not let me go on without confessing.
In the office I was surprised by the talk the principal gave me. He said he was proud of me? That turning myself in was the right thing to do and that I won’t be in trouble now and I could go back to recess. I didn’t get in trouble because I was honest.

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