My Inspiration | Teen Ink

My Inspiration

December 20, 2007
By Anonymous

My uncle John, brother of my father Dan, is a special person to me. He has always offered me advice. That is why I chose to write this biography about him.

My uncle John is 50 years old. He has two brothers, my dad Dan, and my other uncle, Ken. He also has three sisters, my aunt’s Deb, Ellen and Pat. When he was 12 years old, his parents, and my grandpa and grandma, passed away in a water accident. My uncles John and Ken were separated from my dad and my aunt Deb, while my aunts Ellen and Pat lived on their own.
After his parents passed away, he lived with his aunt and uncle, Fritz and Winona in Hasting, Nebraska. He attended Hasting High, where he played tennis, football, and basketball. He was a very good student, with a 4.0 grade average. He made the third team all state in football his senior year as a wide receiver. He graduated from Hastings as a class valedictorian and national merit scholar. He attended college at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, and earned a degree in criminal justices.
After college, he married his first wife, Kathy. They were married for 11 years and had no children and divorced. They lived in Lincoln, Nebraska during that time. They also went on several mission trips to small Central American countries. After they divorced, my uncle moved to a private community on a private lake outside of Ashland, Nebraska. He lived their before he met a girlfriend named Vicky. They date for 6 months before breaking up. He then had another girlfriend named Kim, who lived in Denver, Colorado. He was considering moving in with her, when they broke up. He now has a girlfriend whose name is Lisa. They have been dating for about 3 months.

My uncle currently works in the federal justice department of Nebraska, as a probation officer. He deals with some of the worst criminals in Nebraska. He first got interested in criminal justice as a freshman in high school, when a cop came in and talked on career day. After that, he had his mind made up that he wanted to work with criminals when he was grown up. He has been well off, as well. He lives in a $250,000 dollar home. He has a pretty sweet house, and some sweet stuff.
All through my uncle’s life, he has loved children. Due to medical problems, he has never been able to have any of his own, so whenever he gets the chance to spend time with his nieces and nephews, he cherishes it. That is why every summer he invites me and all of my cousins out to his house for one week, just to hang out with him. It’s pretty awesome.
So, in a nutshell, that is my uncle’s life up until this point. He is a pretty cool guy, with a lot of cool stuff. He is an inspiration in my life, and others as well.

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