Reading | Teen Ink


December 13, 2011
By EmilyAparicio BRONZE, Ijamsville, Maryland
EmilyAparicio BRONZE, Ijamsville, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My greatest passion in life is reading. Whether it is cold and storming outside with thunder reverberating through my house or a warm summer night, there is nothing better than curling up with a book and a blanket. Books offer an escape into different worlds I would never be able to see whether they be fictional or historical. Books are the portals to new experiences and knowledge.

The physical book is becoming an obsolete object. It is becoming replaced by Nooks and Kindles. For me, part of the experience of reading is lost in the electronic books. The art of finding hidden books in the stacks, like finding a lost treasure is gone when using them. The feeling of running my fingers over the pages; the smooth cool texture of the paper is something I take pleasure in with each new book I find. The crackle of the spine as a new book opens holds the promise of the tale to come. This may be a romanticized view of reading but this is the emotion I experience every time I open a book.

Future generations may lose the experience of the physical book. It makes me wonder what is next. Will public libraries close? Libraries are symbols of knowledge and reason, a place where everyone can go and learn or simply read for personal enjoyment. Libraries show equality in education because any person, from any walk of life, can go in and gain knowledge. A library is a calm oasis. I personally have visited my public library many times when life gets hectic. It is a place where I know I can find a quiet corner and settle down for a good read. It is important for libraries to continue to exist so that future generations will have these resources. It is important to protect the physical book.

Reading was once an arduous task for me and now it is an addictive pleasure in my life. During my early middle school years I started to find books I truly enjoyed and have been an avid reader ever since. My personal library consists of about 250 books. I plan to expand this collection in both numbers and genres in the years to come.

I share this passion with my friends and family. When I find a good novel I recommend it to those I think would most appreciate it. It is a great pleasure to pass along a book, and then hear back that it was well received. By recommending books I find I can understand people better. Finding the kinds of novels someone enjoys can reveal many aspects about that person. I like having discussions about books and discovering the difference of opinion two people can have. This kind of analytical discussion has greatly increased my ability to articulate my thoughts both verbally and in writing. As I continue on in life I would like to find new ways to share this experience with others.

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