The Journey | Teen Ink

The Journey

May 20, 2008
By Anonymous

Garth Brooks and Victoria Shaw's "The River", illustrates the everyday struggles that a person copes with and the journey of life one takes to reach an unknown destination. In the opening stanza the first two lines, "You know a dream is like a river/ Ever changin' as it flows" implies that one always faces obstacles that alter the path one takes to achieve his/her goals. Many people become content with life too early and "…sit upon the shoreline", only to wish they stayed on the river once the dream they now have is too far away. Of course, "there's bound to be rough waters", but that is a fact one must accept; realizing that as long as they put their faith in "the good Lord", obstacles will no longer be a constant battle, resulting in failure. So sailing the vessel "'Til the river runs dry" is the most important advice that one can follow to reach their destination, even though their dream is constantly changing.

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