School | Teen Ink


October 8, 2014
By jesustrujillo BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
jesustrujillo BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Get out of bed kid” my brother says as I struggle to open my eyes. “It’s your first day of high school and you still haven’t gotten ready hurry up” my mom says as I get up and sit on the side of the bed. I thought to myself why does school exist it’s not like I’m going to use anything they teach me or if they even teach me anything. I set that thought aside and proceeded to get ready. I’m outside waiting for the bus to arrive and I get a text from a friend reminding me that the first year of high school has arrived and how he thought it was going to be a miserable experience.

     I agreed with what he said 100% and jokingly added to it by saying how mean the teachers were going to be, and how 10th graders were going to get pushed around and bullied by the rest of the students. I saw the bus approaching my stop and I thought to myself well here we go first day of hell has officially begun. I got on the bus and tried to spot a seat that wasn’t taken and lucky me the only couple of seats that weren’t taken were towards the back were the bus smelled like garbage and who knows what other smells.

I had no other choice but to sit in the back, I knew it was only going to be a couple of minutes for me to get to the school so I ignored the smell the best I could until I got there. I arrived at the school expecting the worst, but when I got there teachers were waiting at the door greeting the students and directing them to where they wanted to go. I saw a couple of my friends heading to the cafeteria I rushed to go meet up with them, we all headed to the cafeteria and what we saw was amazing the cafeteria was huge.

The first bell rang and we all headed to our first period class, the teachers where all nice and everything, they really cared about making a first impression on their students. The kids on the other hand they were loud and obnoxious, they showed no respect what so ever, not to each other or the teachers. I thought to myself were did everyone’s respect go why don’t people care about manners or respect anymore where did all that go. I thought about that question all day until I got home and talked to my mom about how my day went I explained to her how rude the kids were being to the teachers and how they didn’t really care about anything.

     My mother’s response made me think, she gave me like an hour long speech over respect but what I mostly got from it was “treat others the way you want to be treated” that made allot of sense to me. It made me realize that manners and respect really does mean allot to people that is what I live by now respect, honesty, and responsibility. My mother opened my eyes to the world and I thank her for that she thought me allot of things that day and that’s why I am the person I am today. I have nothing but respect for people I will treat you with respect as long as you give it back.

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