You'll Be Fine. | Teen Ink

You'll Be Fine.

November 3, 2021
By alyssahdakada1111 BRONZE, Bloomington, Indiana
alyssahdakada1111 BRONZE, Bloomington, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Waking up from my hero ridden dreams was always the worst part. I hate to disappear and  leave the creatures of the night to fend for themselves. I need to get up or I'm  not going to  see it. I slowly crawl out of my bed and tiptoe down the cold stone stairs and out the door. Just in time, I see the sun rise over the trees and creek. For just this moment I feel like the only person awake in the world. I pull my bleach stained sweater down around my figure and stare at the sky. In a matter of minutes my castle will be buzzing with noises. It’s not a real castle, it’s more of a rundown cottage or a cave. We found it when we were all running from our pasts. There aren't many of us left but we have all we need. In the past year four of us have gone missing. My beloved included although I don’t think they’re missing. I want to believe they made their way to the city and are selling their sculptures to fancy men. 

My thoughts of my black haired beauty is interrupted when I hear someone's throat clear. I turned to see my Emerson holding two steaming cups. “May I have a seat?” He hands me a cup and plops down. Neither of us spoke and just looked to the sky. He has always been there for me. He gave me the courage to run away with him when the world around us crumbled. We found this place and made it what it is today. I leaned my head on his shoulder until we were interrupted. 

“I heard on the old foxhole radio that there is a big animal in the woods. Whoever dares to catch it gets a few hundred pounds.” Juniper said, jumping up and down. Juniper came from an old town south of the obsidian. He and his sister, Luna, are good at scavenging. They bring clothing, cleaning supplies and things of that sort. Emerson responded excitedly. “Even a few pounds is enough to live in the obsidian!” He stands up and frantically paces. “Who would be able to hunt with me? Do you have any experience?” Juniper let out a breathy laugh. “Not enough to keep us from dying. Didn’t she go with you last trip?” My eyes got big. It was only a rabbit and I didn’t even make the kill, he did. 

“I did but-” I was cut off by Juniper. “Well that’s good then. You guys should get ready now.” He walked away and Emerson shrugged. “You didn’t do too bad. Just get into gear and we can start slow. He grabbed the empty mugs and walked away. I was left to stand there and process what just happened. I am going to hunt and I might die. 

I go to Luna and my room. Luckily she isn’t messy about her things. I grabbed a pair of leather pants and Leith’s old pull over. I put my leather jacket over it.  I braided my hair into a french braid as I went down the stairs. I put supplies into the bag and walked into the kitchen. I turned on the foxhole and let the words of random men fill the air. I put a couple snacks, canteens, and matches into the bag. We should only be gone for a little bit of time. 

Emerson came in a few minutes later and then we were off on our journey. We walked for a few miles into the woods, our weapons ready. The sound of breaking tree limbs and leaves filled the air. We started to walk slower. “Did you really have to bring the hat?” I laugh out as I reach for it. He lifts it up with one hand and grabs mine with the other. “Yes. I will never leave it behind. You gave it to me.” He lets go of my hand. “It’s all torn up. Will you at least let me fix it once we get home?” I bumped into him. “No. It’s perfect the way it is.” He smiles. “Luna is going to love her party.” I jumped up.”Yes. She’s going to remember this one for ages.” I start to pick up speed so we can hurry this up. 

Emerson grabbed my arm and yanked me back. I felt a sharp pain in my arm and a metallic sound filled the air. We both fell back and the hunk of metal was launched into the air. “RUN!” Emerson yelled. We both stood up and ran as fast as we could toward the house. “We can’t lead it home.” I yelled and Emerson smiled. “Keep running. Go to the city if you have to. Just don’t stop!” The thing was close. “I can’t leave you!” He stopped. “You have to. I’ll see you at home” He started running in the other direction. 

I ran faster than I ever have. I turned around and I could see them. He’s on the ground.  I’m too far for him to hear me. He needs to get up and fight. I turn to run. He is strong, he can beat it. I started to pick up pace before the most horrific sound came from behind me. I turned and couldn’t see him anymore. Just run. 

As I’m running I can feel the tall grass cutting my leg. I should run to town. I should tell them 

what’s in there but they would never believe me. 

Suddenly the ground beneath my feet is taken and I fall into a pit of darkness. I seemed to have fallen into a ditch. I need to get out of here. I start screaming, “SOMEONE, ANYONE! HELP!!” I continue to yell until I can’t anymore. I break into a sob. I know that Emerson is gone. And that’s probably where Aberlynn and Elliot are. And Lieth. As much as I wish to believe they’re alive, they can’t be. They would’ve come home. I need to find a way out. 

I start to feel around the bag. I can feel a small square shape. I remember it as the match box. I strike the match and use it to look around. I’m at least 10 feet deep. I striked another match. I looked around on the ground beside me for something to catch on fire. There was a single piece of wood. It probably fell when I did. I tried to but the match went out again.I striked my last match and lit the log. I grabbed the medicine from my bag. I took my jacket and ripped a piece of my undershirt. I tied the cloth above the sting and crushed a fingertip amount of medicine into my arm. Emerson said this stuff works fast and cures any bite. The stuff should be used in small amounts. 

A sharp pain came about my entire arm. I looked at the bottle. ‘Nightshade- none to minimal pain. Will speed the recovery process. Don’t take it if it's a Griever bite.’

I pulled out the canteen and the crisps I packed for Emerson. We normally share and we didn’t have too much at the house. If he was extremely hungry, I would’ve said I wasn’t. They were his favorite. He would always have me throw at him to see how many he could catch. And on my birthday we had an extra supply of them. He made me a stack of them with a candle for a cake. Another time he made a fort and we all played a game of scrabble and we used them as poker chips. I won but only because he let me. He really was my best friend. 

I need to get some sleep so in the morning I get the heck out of this hole. I layed down my head on the bag. I watched the fire die down. Thoughts of Emerson, Leith and I flooded through my mind.

*The next morning 

Light shined down and into my eyes waking me up. Tonight was a dreamless sleep. I sat up and the events of last night flashed through my head. I sat up and looked around. There were brick walls all the way up. Maybe I can climb up. Then I can go home and see them again. 

I put the bottle and canteen in the bag. I checked my arm and it was completely healed. Thanks Emerson. I started to pull myself up. I can do this. I need to for him. With each gain of height I grow more and more optimistic. This is all for him. He risked his life for me. Not for me to die in a hole.

I am about four feet in the arm. I can feel the breeze on the afternoon grass. Today we’re supposed to have Luna’s birthday picnic. She would have loved it if it went to plan. I made her a dress out of our old clothes. There was a white fleece curtain and I sowed daisies into it. She would’ve danced in the field to the music on the makeshift radio. I would’ve worn the dress she made for me last year. She always wanted us to have fun so she would’ve made us dance with her. I would’ve joined her with a little resistance. She had the power to will anyone into anything. I miss her. I need to do this for her. For Juniper. They’re gonna starve or eat burnt food until I come back. I need to do this for Emerson and Leith. For everyone we’ve already lost. 

I pull myself up. I can see the dandelions playing in the wind. I pull myself again with all the strength I could muster. I am almost there. I pull myself up higher. My hands start to crave this to end and slips. I hold my breath and fall, unable to grab the next stone. I was close. I have to try again. 

I start to pull myself up once again. I can feel the air getting cold around me. I pull myself despite the weather change. It was quick and the wind is blowing harder. It’s gonna storm and I'm not even halfway up. I pull myself again. I need to pace myself but also hurry. The storm will hit within the next half hour based on how things are going. I pull myself up. The higher I go the more I can feel the desperation to go home. To see my family. I can see more than I did before. I scoot over to avoid the area I was at earlier. Careful of my placement, I take a break. I breathe in the newfound fresh scent. 

After a couple of breaths and wiping my hands on my pants, I start again. I pull myself up. My eyes are level to the ground. I have to do this. This is my chance to finally go home. I pull myself up. My foot slipped slightly. Luckily I saved myself. I only have to do this a couple of more times. I pull myself until I’m leaning against the outgrown grass. I push myself up using the grass. 

I freaking did it! I need to go home. I start jogging in the direction of home. I am making sure not to fall into another hole. 

I can see the house. The door is wide open and has a sense of calm. I readjusted my bag and ran. I ran faster than I ever could. Faster than I did when I was running for the thing faster than when that thing attacked us. I’d have to tell them about Emerson. My feet work faster than my brain as I try to find the best way to break it to them. Juniper would take it worse than Luna. So, maybe sitting with him first would help. They were extremely close. They were always gardening and having guys night. They did all kinds of things together and Emerson was the one that helped Juniper with his anger. He helped him find his passion. Juniper helped Emerson and I get out of our comfort zone. 

I need to be careful. I slow my pace as I arrive at the backside of my home. I am stopped when I see a familiar brown thing in the bushes. I jog over to it. It’s Emerson’s hat. I grab it from the bush. My eyes water as I hold it to my chest. I slowly walk into my home. Everything is quiet. It never was. Juniper could never shut his mouth. Not even for a game. I stuck the hat on my head and grabbed Luna’s bow and arrows from the closet. Juniper never got to teach her. 

I slowly make my way through what seems to be my abandoned home. I am scared, what if the creature got to them too? The city is at least six miles from here. I can’t stay. Not alone. Not without them. I go to the kitchen and grab the last few bags of crisps. I start my journey to the city. 

The author's comments:

Thank you to those that inspired me to write this story. 

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