Silenced | Teen Ink


May 2, 2022
By Anonymous

 The streets of London were empty and devoid of people. Curfew had begun, and citizens were forced indoors until sunrise. Nolan didn’t have time to stay inside though, making his way through the streets towards a hidden location to attend a meeting. He had recently been recruited to join a secretive group called the Resistance, to help with a dangerous project. He carefully planned his steps, making sure not to fall within the view of the cameras that watched his every move. The roads were dead silent, except for his own footsteps that echoed off the old buildings. The thought of being watched crossed his mind as he strolled down the road, which sent a shiver down his spine. His mind began to wander as he was reminded of the terror he felt a month before. He vividly remembered the last time he saw his uncle, which was on a street similar to where he was now. They were both walking home together, but when Nolan turned the corner he heard the sound of a struggle taking place. His uncle had vanished.

 Before he could process his thoughts, he heard the sounds of footsteps other than his own. Nolan began to run away. They were getting louder. He kept sprinting until he encountered a dead end. Nolan closed his eyes, expecting the worst. All of a sudden, he felt his arm being grabbed by a stranger. He was quickly pulled into a nearby building and the door slammed behind him. Seconds later, Nolan heard the sound of the police searching outside, shuffling through dumpsters and garbage bins. His heart was pounding. The lights suddenly flickered on, and Nolan’s eyes adjusted to the light. In front of him was the man that saved his life, who wore a mask over his face. The stranger lifted it off, revealing his identity. Nolan gasped, realizing that this was no stranger, but his friend Austin. Without time to greet each other, Nolan followed Austin through a hidden door in the floor that led to a Resistance bunker.

 Now safely sealed underground, Nolan attended the meeting with the members. They discussed a plan to hijack the government broadcast system that pumped out propaganda to every screen in England, and deliver a message of hope that would spark a revolution. There were already hundreds of Resistance troops pushing towards Parliament, but the military was cracking down on the rebels at alarming rates. However, if everything goes well, the message will bring the fight to another level, and the people will rise up and bring down the oppressive rule that grips England with an iron fist.

 By sunrise, Austin had assembled a team to begin work on breaching the broadcast tower’s security system. Nolan had been assigned to deliver the speech, and another member named Paul to hook up the cameras. Hours flew by fast, and things were going well for the team. By sunset the hackers had successfully disabled two out of the three security protocols. However, everyone’s worst fear became a reality when a member was discovered to be sending crucial information, including the location of the bunker to the police. There was no time for interrogation, and the spy was locked up. The group split in two, and the team of hackers traveled through a tunnel towards another bunker a few miles north. Nolan, Austin, and 4 other members fled the bunker to carefully begin walking towards the nearest Resistance site.

Everyone was silent, carefully traversing the narrow alleyways. They had chosen this route because it was a safer alternative to walking along the police patrolled streets. The area had a horrible smell, as it was littered with trash that towered up high above them. Only a mile from the site, they continued to push forward. All of a sudden, a loud bang echoed down the corridor. Austin glanced behind him, shocked to see that the spy had escaped. He was with the police, and had somehow found the group. Without time to react, the group began to run as fast as possible to the bunker. It was now a matter of life or death, and the police followed closely behind. Bullets hit the sidewalk, nearly hitting Nolan multiple times.

 Nolan ran across the street, but realized that Austin had fallen behind. He couldn’t stop though, so he kept running. He turned the corner with the 4 other members close beside him, taking cover behind a building. Nolan tried to process what was happening, but before he could catch his breath, a gunshot was heard across the street. Nolan froze, and tears began streaming down his face. Austin was dead. They had escaped, at the cost of a fellow member’s life. Although he was horrified by what just occurred, Nolan and the members kept moving forward.

 Shortly after the incident, they arrived at the new bunker, shaken by the loss of their friend. The team set up plans to continue work the following day, and decided to get some rest until morning. At dawn, Nolan got to work. He called up a meeting with the other team, who had barely escaped to their new location in one piece. The hackers delivered the news that they had breached all three security protocols, and now had access to the broadcasting network. Without much time, Paul quickly hooked up the cameras. Soon the entire country would have their eyes on Nolan, meaning the stakes were high. Once he was on air, he delivered his message across all television and media outlets in the country. As he gave his speech, tensions were already rising in London. Rebel troops had overwhelmed the military forces, gaining control over large portions of the city.

 By the next morning, thousands of protesters marched through the city, gathering outside Parliament. Rioters stormed the building, trashing the place and setting it ablaze. Millions watched the chaos unfold live on television. The military personnel in charge of crushing the rebellion were outnumbered, and resistance troops had raided the High Chancellor’s palace, capturing him. In just a few days, the regime had completely collapsed, and all high-ranking members of the party that viciously ruled England were punished for their crimes. Within the following weeks, a new government and leader were elected by the people. Nolan had freed England and avenged his friend Austin. He was a national hero.

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