The Land of Mystery | Teen Ink

The Land of Mystery

June 7, 2023
By Anonymous

Opening my eyes, I am instantly blinded by the forceful, blasting sun. Turning away from the intense light, I get more and more unfamiliar and panicked as I look around. With snow white sand underneath me, waves crashing against the shore, and towering trees about one hundred steps from the shallow, blue water. 

With so much uncertainty, I question, Where am I? Am I in a dream? Quickly, I pinch myself. With all of the adrenaline built up, my pinch resulted in myself shouting, “Ouch!” Taking some time to cool down, I thought to myself, Maybe there are other people on this island with me. High stepping in the sand, searching for people, there were no signs of any life. Continuing the march on, I looked at the ocean, and clipped my foot on a hard object in the sand causing me to tumble face first into the feather soft sand.

“Darn it!” I shouted in a negative tone. Wiping all of the sand off my face, and brushing off my chest, I look down and there it is. My Grandfather's biggest secret and most prized possession.             

The map in the glass bottle is all it looked to be. But to my family it was much more. See my ancestors dedicated their whole lives searching for the map to the long lost treasure of the Titanic. Everyone thinks that there was no true treasure on this ship, but they were wrong. Trillions of dollars worth of gold was lost that night. Trillions! My Pops always told me to follow the gold and he will lead me to it. 

After flying my plane, following the directions I was left in his will, something had happened. Something my grandfather knew about had caused me to land on this island but my memory had been wiped. Memories of what happened on the plane are gone. No where.

Reaching down, I pick up the dirty glass bottle. The cork on the top was engraved with my initials.”TC.” I pop open the cork, and start to enfold the perfectly rolled pristine, white paper. “Beep Beep Beep!” The sound of my alarm abruptly wakes me from my slumber. All of my hopes and dreams were cut short due to the annoying noise of my alarm clock. I sit up in my bed and I hear loud footsteps running towards my room. My Father and Grandfather opened the door, yelling with excitement, “We got the map. Let's roll!” Grabbing all of my clothes as quickly as possible we hop into the glistening, silver minivan (silver bullet) and my Grandpa says, ‘Off to the land of True Titanic Treasure!”

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