The Sleep Spree | Teen Ink

The Sleep Spree

May 6, 2024
By RickyXie BRONZE, Hangzhou, Other
RickyXie BRONZE, Hangzhou, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are the timebreakers, our job is to destroy the human history by making people able to tell the future. Or exploding important events in history.

Welcome, I am Time Breaker 54, I belong to a ship that can teleport places in time, this ship is called demon 71. My job is to command the ship to the most suitable places in history.

We often become disguised as humans to whisper into someone's ear, or make futuristic events go  wrong.

There was a loud thud on the ground, and I woke up, and I looked out the window I yelled”HEY QUIT IT “. I thought he got the message,so I just went back to sleep.

This time I dreamt about sheep. Sheep 2 is fluffy, sheep 3 is round Sheep 5 is a moron…..and he went like this for 567489012313564356786456784654578425808643 hours, by the way that is captain sheepy bulldozer. There are three sheepy captains ,here are the main titles”Sheepy, Hammer fur, and Fluff horn. We are the protectors of sheepy kingdom our kingdom has three parts super sheep, ultra sheep, and wonderful sheep

Someone was banging on the door, so I called”STOP WAKING ME UP MORON”I checked to make sure no one was there,so I went back to sleep.

This time I dreamt about garbage.I dreamt like this. I was in a room and it was full of garbage, but I can’t notice so I took a teapot ,and filled it with garbage water.But I still couldn't notice so I took a nasty shower full of garbage and did not recognize the stinky smell.Then I closed the lights ,and I  rememberd  that smell is stinky garbage

Someone started to bang on the windows I shouted”STOP IT YOU ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY” I seriusly hate that guy.I don't  know who is he 

I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote I hate that 89370573587868754986765390256y9032968947847584996211223456777777875567764567764467899865311357899864224578809875433456778000986542234556778888999900987654333346778899 times.

Then I grabbed a bomb and threw it out 57485789405748957206774 times just in case I threw out another bomb 

I then made a hyperplane and also threw it out the window to then I borrowed a supercomputer named cosmos here is a list of things cosmos can do




Now I can hack the giant into one million I began typing. I typed 10011101001010 setentity giant[hack]=pohack1011000.Then I looked out the window and saw the giant crumble into one million giant pieces. I finally found a way to destroy the giant so I went to sleep but as soon as I landed in bed a gigantic explosion occurred.I can’t stand it any more so I went to my closet and pulled out my hyper RPG LAVA EXCLUSIVE MEGA LAUNCHER and aimed it at the giants head. The head exploded with great efficiency.

Then I grabbed my MEGA SUPER FIREROCKET and aimed it at the body and it exploded within a giant ball of flame

Then I grabbed my RPG SUPER RIFLE and shot it at the great big legs and the legs also exploded

Next I decided to put an end to the giants and keep the quiet ones,so I got all of my weapons,and went to giant island. I destroyed the 10 monsters the giants on giant island were scared of me ,so the dumb giants got their heads bashed in and the smarter ones hid around.This made my job a lot easier ,and destroyed most harmful and noisy giants I said most ,because there is alot of other giants found in other reaches of the world .For example in giant sanctuary,also in world island.

I decided to first go to giant sanctuary,because they have lots of giants to butcher,and lots of new weapons that's only available for a limited time.First, scince I have the materials I decided to forge a superweapon.First I put nether amber into the pot.then I put soul crystal,with a little touch of l soul trap gem,and some leather powder on top.Finally I put some cursed ruby to make a morbell hell strike.The morball hell strike is a sword that has 5 million attack damage with a bonus of 123k flame damage,and able to spawn creatures from hell,and gives extra speed and agility

I started to travel to giant sanctuary,and I meeted a giant on the island.Fortunately it was just an ogre,so it was very easy to take down and only had 5000 HP.Most of the giants have cool stuff and a one hit KO.But there is some giants need 5 hits to destroy here is a list.

1.giga moai

2.cursed stone

3.spiked cruncher

4.spiked stone

5.giga cruncher

6.cursed spike

It was great and I got lots of new weapons such as aloha boom,but most weapons are weaker than my morball hell strike.On the way I brought a notebook to record all the things about monsters I thought this was very cool because,most people who go out to slay monsters have note books and I wanna be like them and technically build a treehouse.I already got started with that now. Luckelly ,I killed all the giants in the world.Also I can finally sleep in peace again,and I can’t wait to start the next adventure.


After the monumental feat of destroying the giants, I felt a deep sense of happiness that I never felt in a very long time. I knew that even though there were many challenges still awaiting me in the world, I possessed the courage and determination with a spirit in me to face them head-first,because I rammed them on the head.  I understood that no matter what happened, I had the strength within me to overcome it. So, I closed my eyes, immersed in the joy of victory, eagerly anticipating the adventures that lay ahead.


P.S if you are wondering what happened to the giants on world island they mysteriously disappeared. 

The author's comments:

From Ricky XIE


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