Great Day | Teen Ink

Great Day

May 31, 2024
By Anonymous

Looking up this long hill and the great big oak tree. Still filled with tons of green healthy leaves after many winters. The day feels great with the sun shining down, the gentle breeze, and the temperature is warmーnot too hot, not too cold. Nature is amazing, the smell from the freshly cut grass and the newly blossomed flowers. A picnic today would fit like a glove with the great day it is.

As I transcended the massive hill, I was running out of steam. Reaching the top of the hill and sitting down with my back on the trunk of the tree. I felt like Edmund Hillary, he's the first person to climb Mt Everest. I adjudicated the plan to have a picnic right below the leaves of the oak tree. The impetus today is that I don’t get out of the house mainly because I deal with work and my family with my time. Anyways I commenced the picnic with a big blanket to lay on, with a big basket of food to scarf down. The picnic was going great, the breeze was fantastic and the shade felt like an angel kissing me on the forehead. I ate barbecued brisket with broccoli, and it was one of the best meals I have eaten.

I would say today was a successful day with releasing my mind from work and enjoying the outdoors. I need to do it more and just enjoy life one second at a time.

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