Old Man Pat | Teen Ink

Old Man Pat

June 7, 2024
By Sophiavetta BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Sophiavetta BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day there was an old pirate named Pat. He was lanky with shaggy hair and worn out skin, however, he had a luxurious set of clothes and a tremendous set of boots. He loved sailing around the deep blue sea with his crewmates who he has spent his whole life with. He loved the precision and tough work that is incorporated with sailing. On one elegant evening he set out to sail for the glorious treasure he heard about through the grapevine. This treasurer is filled with glowing jewelry, sparkling gems like the sun, and enormous bright red Rubys. Pat has dreamt of this moment for decades. In order to find the treasure, Pat and his crewmates have to sail upon the Atlantic Ocean to find a massive cave with a small opening. Within the cave, the treasure lays on top a rigid clift glowing with jewels. At this moment Pat knew he needed to get his desirable treasure and dive out in the deep ocean and set sail for his dreams. 

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