The Human Robot | Teen Ink

The Human Robot

January 29, 2011
By HamzahQ SILVER, Carteret, New Jersey
HamzahQ SILVER, Carteret, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 5 comments

He had to be the most obscure kid in high school. He was quite and always serious. No friends and no extracurricular activities. After school no one ever saw him.Graduation day was the only day you didn't have to come to school but every one did except for Mick. Mick Steel was his full name and the day before graduation was the last day anyone ever saw him. He walked out of the school knowing that he would never walk back but still didn't care to look back for the last time. His Black and White Sneaker with gray skinny jeans and a black leather jacket over a plain white t shirt could have made him the coolest kid in the school but it obviously seemed that popularity was the last thing on his mind. Mick turned into the alley and disappeared into the darkness never to be seen again. Mick Steel was definitely no ordinary kid or human being either. He was barely a human being at all, more of a test subject. The powers of a cheetah and a lion. The invisible wings of a hawk and the agility of the almighty snake. Even the hidden lungs of a whale and the brains of Albert Einstein . Mick walked into the Lab and did the usual check up. His heart first, then brain, After that was the legs and arms for strength and finally the lungs and his 0 gravity body which gave him the power to fly like a Hawk. All of these checkups were necessary because Mick was the first human being to survive all the chemical tests so they had to make sure his body was functioning as smoothly as possible. Mick had been living for 18 years but had been the ultimate form of a human for 17 so the scientists put his date of birth as February 18 1994. When it was really April 6 1993. The one flaw in Mick was that he was trapped inside his own body. He could not move if he wished or even talk if he wished. All of his movements were being controlled by the little chip planted in his brain. The other problem was if his body was ever too feel pain even though he is not controlling it he will be the one to feel the pain. The people who have created Mick were the two evil scientists that he still didn't know the name of. Well now that he had completed high school his body would finally be put to the test. Well all these two scientists want is to get there revenge. Mick had realized that they were kicked out of Yale for doing some scientific experiment that could have killed someone, then they partnered up and made the complete super human to get there revenge. Mick suited up in all black and wore a mask that completely covered his face. He walked out of the door towards Yale university. After about half a mile Mick was feeling weird. He dropped down and had a huge head ache. Then Mick realized that he was able to control himself. How could this be happening he thought. Then he turned around and saw the lab bursting in flames. The remote control must have broken in the blast and killed the two psycho scientists too. Mick could not believe it, he was finally free. Then the head ache came back but a lot worse. He felt like he was being controlled again but by millions of people at once. One tells him to go one way, the other says to go the other way. One guy tells him to scream while the other one makes him kick. Every remote within 100 miles from Mick was sending random signals through his body. He screamed as loud as possible and then felt a spark on the back of his head. Everything was a blur. He fell flat on the floor and was out.


This article has 2 comments.

NvMe33 said...
on Feb. 21 2011 at 4:31 pm
NvMe33, Carteret, New Jersey
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
nice i like it 

HamzahQ SILVER said...
on Feb. 6 2011 at 9:45 am
HamzahQ SILVER, Carteret, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 5 comments

thanks i guess i got the ideas off the back of my head

i guess i will write more i was just waiting for someone to comment or rate it