The Secret Place | Teen Ink

The Secret Place

April 8, 2011
By juan ramirez BRONZE, Kingston, Washington
juan ramirez BRONZE, Kingston, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One sunny Saturday in the afternoon over the weekend i was sitting at home bored. My mom came inside my room and told me to go kayaking so I did. I went outside grabbed a kayak boat and a pair of paddles. Got on the river and started paddling.

As I paddle down the river I saw some strange places i that i haven't seen before. As I went down the river I got to this place, their a house and a lot of trees surrounding the house. The house looked like it has been a banned for years. Covered in mold and it looked like it was about to fall.

As i slowed down to check to see if anyone lived in the house two vicious dogs came out of the woods fighting. I was about to leave when I see this guy peaked his head out from a tree. I stopped again and all of the sudden my boat started to shake. I looked at the water to see if their was anything in the water. When I got up and looked over at the place the two dogs and the guy where gone.

Out of nowhere this huge green alligator his eyes just barely peaked over the water. The alligator hits my boat again but this time he made it flip over, when i fell in the water the boat landed on top of me and it git me in the back of the head knocking me out.

When i woke up in the middle of the road next to the house. The place was quiet so quiet that you can hear the water and the birds whistling. I looked around and saw the door of the house open. I got up ran over to the house, I knock on the door. No one open, I went in side the house, it was really nice and clean. The walls where painted color beige. Their weren't any pictures of the people who lived in the house. I went to every room and still their weren't anyone in the house. Walked out the door and saw my boat in two pieces. I looked over at the road and started walking up the road.

The author's comments:
As i slowed down to check to see if anyone lived in the house two vicious dogs came out of the woods fighting. I was about to leave when I see this guy peaked his head out from a tree. I stopped again and all of the sudden my boat started to shake. I looked at the water to see if their was anything in the water. When I got up and looked over at the place the two dogs and the guy where gone.

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