This is it I were going to die!!!!! | Teen Ink

This is it I were going to die!!!!!

September 27, 2012
By byrdman102 BRONZE, Boys Ranch, Texas
byrdman102 BRONZE, Boys Ranch, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is what you make it so live up to drasp it and tame it.

By: Wesley Byrd

This is it I were going to die!!

It was December 15, 2011. I was in the Telluride Colorado on a snowboarding trip with my step-mom, dad, and little brother. When we got to Telluride we got to our hotel and checked in to our room. After we put are stuff in our room we headed out to some stores. Then we stopped at a place were my brother and me could rent are snowboards, and boots.

Kolten and me got up and got dressed for our day on the slopes. We were going up to the top of the mountain when the ski lift stopped. It started to jerk us around but then it stopped. It started to snow really thick. It felt like it snowed forever. When we got off the lift the snow already came up 5in, and the temp dropped 15 degrees so now it was -15 degrees. Me and my brother started to go down the mountain when all of a sudden we hear this loud nose and we didn’t know what it was. We both continue to snowboard in tell I looked back and saw this huge wave of snow. I yelled at Kolten which he was in front of me to get over to the tree line. So he tried to get over the side of this snow patch that was sticking up but he couldn’t so I started to make my way over to him but I could start to feel the snow on the back of my bored and I knew this was it I am dead. But then all of a sudden he was right in front of me so I grab him and tackled him over the bank of snow then I felt the wave of snow come over me then I blacked out.

When I woke up it was in the middle of the day so I new it had to be the next day or some time after the snow came over because it was almost dark when it happened. But the good part was my head was above the snow but the rest of my body was bared so I started to dig my self out of the snow. When I finally got out I took of my snow bored. And that’s when I notice all of this blood that’s around me and I notice that my head had part of a shirt around it and I touched it and notice it was soaked full of blood. That’s when it hits me where is kolten at. I start to yell his name and I finally here this grunt nose and I started to run to him slash limp. When I find him he is covered in blood know I know all of that blood is his. He was shaking and he was turning purple so I took off my jacket and gave it to him and then he started to get some color back then I notice these ice sickles of blood on his face I told him this was going to hurt but we needed to get them off were I could fix him up. And we could leave. He said,” It wont matter we have been up here for five days.” And that’s when I really felt lost.

I told him we at least need to try now that I am up and can help you get moving after all I am your big brother and I am not going to let you die. I took our snowboard and made a bed type deal were he could laydown on it and I would pull him down the mountain. We got half way down when I heard a dirt bike sound and that’s when I truly felt that we were going to live. When the snowmobile got to us that’s when I new my brother was going to live and we were going to get back home. After all of the events we were able to keep kolten’s hands and feet from frostbite.

The author's comments:
It is about a tie when kolten my little brother and me spending time in Telluride Colorado

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