Party Animal | Teen Ink

Party Animal

November 2, 2012
By yeager taylor SILVER, Hemet, California
yeager taylor SILVER, Hemet, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Brown
English H
2 Nov 2012
Party Animal

I am a party animal, not the kind you’re thinking of. Oh, I party don’t get me wrong, but my party consists of a liter of Code Red Mountain Dew and Modern Warfare 3 (WM3) on a Saturday night. While the majority of my fellow students are attending ragers, passing the around the bong and filling up their red solo cup at the keg I sit in my room battling for my life against a ten year old from China. I know, I know I get crazy, which reminds of one night imparticular.

“Hey man”calls my best friend Zach. Are we getting our MW3 on tonight? My parents will be gone, we can stay up past 11 o’clock”

“Wait, you’re parents are gone?” I said “then let’s have a party.”

“No, man, No! My parents would kill me” Zach pleads. Then my superior negotiated skills kick in and I convince Zach with one statement.

“We’ll invite Hannah.” I said with a wink. The Hannah card works everytime. Zach has had a crush on Hannah for years but can never seal the deal. Zach reluctant submits to my wishes and the planning begins. After much debate we decide to facebook invite all our friends. The nerds that we are and unbeknownst to us we accidently send the invite to everyone instead of just our friend list. It read “Party at Zach’s house tonight 10 til ? BYOB.”
“Sweet, I’m Zach and I’m Yeag and we party” we said to each other while high fiving in front of the computer.

Party prep begins. We moved all the valuable items to Zach’s parent’s room. We covered the carpet with sticky plastic. We put out bowls of chips and snacks because everyone knows that you need to have food on your stomach when you drink alcohol. We put a small sign out front that said party here just incase someone didn’t know where Zach lived. Then we waited… and waited…
“Dude it’s only 10:00, they’ll show” I said to Zach. “They better, doing all this work for nothing will blow for sure” he replied. Then it became 10:30 and still no one. We started to call around to see where everyone was at but no one answered. Zach texted Hannah and got no reply. 10:45 still no one came. We started to feel stupid by 11:00 it was Zach and I playing MW3 ganging up on the ten year kid from China until we passed out.
Sunday we cleaned up the mess and began to dread going back to school. Monday morning we dragged ourselves to class. Luckily, we had 1st period English together so we wouldn’t have to face the school alone. As we sat in class there was a definite buzz going around the room about this great party at Zach house. We glanced at each other with questioning looks on our faces. Then it began to penetrate the fog in our brain. Zach W had a party Saturday night.
“What? He didn’t even invite people but people just showed up. What? He stold our party!” I guess the party animals that we are didn’t put Zach’s last name on the facebook invite and everyone showed up at Zach W’s house. What’s worse Zach W was walking with his arm around Hannah. I definitely owe Zach big time for this. I guess we’ll stick to our kind of party in the future.

The author's comments:
Funny story about me and my friend Zach

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