The Epidemic | Teen Ink

The Epidemic

December 13, 2012
By Marco Pascual BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Marco Pascual BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Around the world power is very hard to come by. It’s either too expensive or too pollutant. Scientists around the world have been trying to solve this energy crisis but have been unsuccessful, until now. In a small town near Maine a group of 10 novice scientists revolutionized one of the largest producers of energy, nuclear power. This new synthetic bio-nuclear material would decompose much faster and not leave behind toxic waste after use while still delivering the same amount of power output. The scientists were so excited that they immediately sent this new bio-nuclear material across the country. The easiest and safest way to deliver the material across the country was by train. The scientists placed the material in large containers made of titanium alloy and hoped for the best. As the train set off the scientists hoped that the intense heat and pressure inside the containers would not affect the nuclear material. Only after 3 hours of traveling the train operator became drowsy and fell asleep laying his head on the throttle and increasing the speed of the train. Further up the tracks a drunkard in his truck had stopped directly in the path of the train. Not only that, but there was also an armored truck that had broken down in the middle of the tracks due to a mechanical failure. Unfortunately the train did not stop in time and smashed into the vehicles at blazing speeds. While crashing, the containers that had the nuclear material were breached and spilled purple goop all over the place infecting many bystanders. As the dust settled some bystanders swam out of the goo and emerged as zombies. They followed the train tracks back into the nearest town. The town was Maplebridge and it was a small town with very few buildings and businesses but many inhabitants. As the zombies started to sulk in they began to bite and infect people. The town was in sheer panic. As word spread about the epidemic many scientists and government officials tried to quarantine the city to try and contain the zombies and the virus. Meanwhile in the small town near Maine the same group of scientists began working on a new vaccine in response to the call of distress (and to not get in as much trouble). Unfortunately, most of the vaccines that they tried only increased the speed of transformation turning some of the scientists into zombies themselves. For some reason one of the zombies in the lab wasn’t completely eliminated and started roaming around one night and started biting all the scientists in the lab prohibiting them from finishing the vaccine. Eventually the government decided to send in the Army to settle the mess without presidential consent. While the Army was blowing up any zombie they saw, they were so careless and started blowing up non-zombies. Fortunately, the platoon that was sent in was dishonorably discharged. Concurrently in Maplebridge, one man had a solution; he knew how to get rid of the zombies. He ran to a safe place to conduct his “wizardry” when he was side-tackled by a zombie. Fortunately, he had luck on his side and was able to escape with a couple cuts and bruises and it was a good thing he always carried a hand grenade. After days of hard work and dodging zombies he was finished. He inserted the vaccine into a gun that he could shoot at the zombies and handed the guns to every one he knew and they went hunting. After five days of grueling effort the deed was done and all the zombies had been eliminated. The cost of the damages on the train and the town was about 40 million dollars but no one really knows what happened to those scientists.


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