Death | Teen Ink


March 12, 2013
By epicOzzie BRONZE, Gujranwala, Other
epicOzzie BRONZE, Gujranwala, Other
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

s I gained consciousness a searing pain cut through my head like a razor sharp knife. I was lying on an ice cold floor in a pitch dark area. It required great force to get to my feet and I barely had the strength to stay on my feet.

In the dark, with my head bursting, I felt my way across the place. Limping in every direction, I finally managed to get my hands on a door. I opened the door and it made a loud creaking noise. The bright light completely blinded my vision. A light bulb flickered at the other end of the corridor. This corridor was extremely gloomy and I felt eerie chills running down my spine. I could hear the sound of trickling water drops making contact with the floor nearby. I carried my aching body forward with great force.

With every painful step that I took, I sensed grave danger. There was something awfully wrong with this place but I couldn’t quite tell what it was. In one flicker of that light, I saw a figure - one that I had never could have dreamt of in my worst nightmare. A hooded figure in a pitch black cloak, and decaying hands holding a scythe. The moment I saw this creature, I went in a state of horror. I tried to scream but my throat didn’t let out any noise from all the abhorrence. That thing advanced forward, slowly, stalking me, measuring me like a predator measuring its prey. Horrorstruck, I was numb and my feet wouldn’t budge. All I could do was stare at the creature. It was just a few feet away from me.

And then I saw what was under the hood. A skull for a face, two hollow eyes and the shape of a mouth which ceased to exist. In one swift moment, it struck me like thunder and I realized what this creature was. The Grim reaper. I closed my eyes and smirked. My last thought before what happened next was “Death, you stupid motherf***er.” In that instant, I heard the swish of the scythe and then all went blank.

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