The Man and the Dog | Teen Ink

The Man and the Dog

April 29, 2013
By Annie Morris BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Annie Morris BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Man and the Dog

It was 1922 when Bill went to get his dog. He got it from a humane society called Dogs R Us. As Bill walked in all of the dogs began barking, he looked at each of them but none of them stuck out to him. He approached the end of the hall of dogs, and thought he had seen all of the dogs. Bill said to the dig keeper, "Thank you, but I didn't see one that looked right for me."

"You just hold on for one moment, I will be right back," responded the dog keeper, Jeffery. After about two minutes Jeffery returned. There was a dog following obediently behind him. As Jeffery approached Bill, he signaled the dog to go Bill and the dog did just as Jeffery said. Bill and the beautiful golden retriever locked eyes and you could tell there was an immediate connection. "This is the one," said Bill with bright eyes.

"He is all yours, his name is Cosmo," Jeffery said.

Bill walked the dog out to his car with a big smile. Cosmo sat right next to him in the passengers seat. Bill had always been an adventurous man, and he wanted to enjoy a nice journey with his new accomplice. An idea popped into his mind. Bill wanted to drive across the country with Cosmo as his companion.

Bill began planning with Cosmo always by his side. He drew out his road Map and got everything packed. He was ready to go. they walked out to the car, put everything in the back and buckled up. Bill started his engine and they took off.

Bill never told anyone anything about his journey. He didn't even tell his family. He wanted to keep it as a special thing between him and his dog. All we know is that Cosmo was Bill's very best friend and they went on a road trip across the country.


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