The unknown | Teen Ink

The unknown

May 23, 2013
By Alex Finoguina SILVER, Prospect Heights, Illinois
Alex Finoguina SILVER, Prospect Heights, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

An empty field lays in the middle of no where.
Two young men decide to venture out on an adventure, but they never thought they would get lost.
Their car broke down, and there is no cell phone reception.
What are they going to do?
Wheat surrounds them on all sides.
They are engulfed whole.
They wander with no end.
No end in sight.

They spend the day searching.
Searching for a clue.
Finally they reach a town a few miles away.
To their dismay, it is deserted.
Where are they going to go?
They wander with no end.
No end in sight.

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