lost millions | Teen Ink

lost millions

May 30, 2013
By dantetyler BRONZE, Greencastle, Pennsylvania
dantetyler BRONZE, Greencastle, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lost Millions

As I walk around the mall is see a small store that has a sign that reads ear piercings for
only twenty dollars. I turn to walk in and as I do a strange man bumps into and we both walk in
together. I tell the clerk at the counter I want a piercing and he walks me over to start the actions.
He gets the diamond out of the cabinet and tells me to get ready. As he has the diamond in his
hand a man is running towards us and collides with the man in front of me. Two bright diamonds
are tossed into the air and both hit in the same area. The man hurries himself and grabs one and
runs away.

“Do you still want to do this?” the man asked looking worried.

“Yes before something else happens” I exclaimed.
It was about seven o clock when my mother picked me and my friend up from the mall.
As we drive away from the mall and my friend and I nod at each other, saying in our
heads don’t say anything. We get to my house and run up to my room to check out my
earring. It shimmered like the ocean at dusk. After we got done admiring my earring we
got some food and talked for a while. We are both so tired we decide to crash for the
night and that we did.
We woke up the next morning to my mother gently pushing at our sides. Before we got
breakfast or went to the bathroom or anything the doorbell rang. I rushed down stairs to
open it. It opened to the sight of two very large dark skinned men in suits and sunglasses. Without even
mentioning my name the larger of the two men said,
“Dante we need to know about that earring in your ear”.
“Come in” I said questionably.
“Sorry for disturbing you so early in the morning, this is agent Lewis and I am agent
Willis” the smaller man said.
At that point my mother and Dalton had come down stairs to check on what was happening.
“We need to know everything about that earring” agent Willis proclaimed
“Well yesterday at the mall I had gotten my ear pierced and that’s it” I said unmoved
“Is that everything?” said agent Lewis acting a little anxious.
“And I man ran into the guy giving me my earring and picked up an earring and left”
“What did he look like?” both men yelled
“I don’t know” I yelled back
“OK that’s enough questions, now may you excuse yourselves” my mother asked
I walked them out if the door in a dazed state of mind. I close the door behind them and I
walk into the kitchen and just stare at Dalton and my mother. As I see the confusion on
everyone’s face the phone rang. I walk over to pick up the phone. I answer it and a
crankily voice travels in my ear.
“I want the diamond back now” whispered the voice
Then silence came over the phone. My mother asked who it was and I told her it was a
prank call. I knew something bad was going to happen but I didn’t now what. I didn’t let
the recent event get to me it was the weekend and I wanted to have fun. So Dalton and I
went to play a game of football with some of the kids in our neighborhood. We caught
with a group of kids and started walk to our spot were we play football at. As we where
walking a black color clean and spotless rolled behind us. I wasn’t worried but I could tell
everyone else was. So we decided to sprint as fast as we could. I went left and everyone
else went right, I was by myself with the car tailing me fast. I saw my opportunity to
escape so I got a good jump and climbed an old gray fence. The car shut off and a door
opened I didn’t stick around to see what happened next. My phone is ringing so I take it out of my pocket...
“Why did you leave me?” I screamed in the phone
“I didn’t you left me” Dalton screamed back
“Just meet me at my house” I said

I met Dalton back at my house but no one said anything, just blank stares across
the kitchen. I got up and went for a walk and just as I thought would happen the black
car pulled up to my side. The back door swung open and I got in the back. We drove for
about a hour, then we stopped I got out and agent Willis and Lewis were waiting for me.
The grab my arms and pulled me in the building and then they said something that
shocked me.
“I know you aren’t going to like this but we need to send you away” agent Willis explained.
“Why?” I said calmly
“It isn’t safe for you to stay at your house and school and other hang out spots. We are
going to send you to Alaska, but first we that earring” Willis said with a frown
“Ok I will go but I want two things, I want the earring and I want you to watch over my
family” I sadly said
“That can be arranged” said Lewis

That night I went to the airport and was getting ready to leave. Before I got on the plane
my mother and sister pulled up. Before they got a chance to get out of the car I ran to the plane
and shut and locked the doors. The plane took off and out of the window I saw Lewis and
Willis talking to my mom. Both her and my sister started crying. The plane had been flying for
about three hours and we were about to land. I landed and I got my bags and I turned around and
what I saw next shocked me more then the past few days. My mother and sister were there
waiting for me.

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