The Battle of Htrae | Teen Ink

The Battle of Htrae

September 15, 2013
By Jaeden Rolofson BRONZE, Wichita, Kansas
Jaeden Rolofson BRONZE, Wichita, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Looking at the mirror, I only see myself as a man, not 14 years old boy. “Are you ready to fight?!” said to my mirror reflection. Man, I feel like I’m not ready to fight Zatsu and need more training with Yuri. Yuri is my sensei (master) and save my life several months ago. I can’t let him down! Sighs. I look at my wrist clock, and it’s midnight. My eyes feel like tired, and my brain can’t think straight. “Okay, I can’t wait for tomorrow big day”, I moaning. I walk slowly to my wool bed, and I curling under the blanket, and when my head touch the pillow, I was out.

I awake with tired yawn and mess up hairs, and I feel like want to sleep again.
At same time when I start to sleep again, the beautiful girl enters my room, and said, “Ryan, it’s time to wake up” I look at my wrist clock, and its 5:00 a.m.
I said, “Why I need to wake up this early, Heather?”. Heather is my girlfriend, and she is on the school of life. Oops! I forget one something I need to tell you.
There are two worlds in the universe. Earth is human and non-magic world, and other is named Htrae. Htrae is filled of wizards and magic, and magic have five different kinds; fire, ice, storm, life, and death. Death wizards casts the darkness spells, and they can steal the life when attack same time. The problem is most of death wizards are evil, and I don’t trust them all time. Ice wizards have high defense and health, so they are hard to die or lose. Storm wizards are the strongest of all school, but negatively they have low health, so they can die easily. Life schools focus at healing spells most time, but they have forest spells that can attack enemies. I picked the ice school because it have awesome spells and can live more long. Heather picked the school life because she loves the nature and heals people. There’s one death wizard who want to control Htrae and Earth, and his name is Zatsu. He is one who I need to fight someday, and I don’t sure if I am ready to face him yet.
“Hey, stop daydreaming and get dress up for the meeting” said Heather.
I said, “Ugh again?” “Why not Zach takes my place for the meeting?” Zach is my best friend, and he is on storm school because he wants to be strongest. Sad news, I will be number one of strongest wizard in here, Htrae!
“This is important meeting, and we all need attend in there. Sorry” said Heather and kiss me on the cheek then left. I blush and thought; alright I will go whatever if it is too boring. I dress up with my silk wizard clothes, and I comb my hair. My hair rarely obeys me. Ugh. I finally walk slowly outside of my room, and saw the big city named Wizard City.
Alright, I look at my book where I should go to, and my book is not original, it’s special. It have lots of information about magic, can tell you where you need to go, store your wizard spells in the deck, and change my clothes, and craft things like magic potions. I look closely at the map, and I find that I need go to Commons. I guess I will teleport to there. *poof*
I appear in the Commons, and I saw the meeting.
Zach said, “Hurry, we waited for you”. I run to the meeting then pant tired.
“Sorry for late, I have personal business.”
General of the Wizard Army said, “Okay lets us start the meeting” “Tomorrow we will march forward to Mooshu City then rest for several days. While that days, we will practice spells and make best armors for battle. After, we will march and battle Evil Army and Zatsu at Dragonspyre City” ”Zach, you fights the west side part of the army, and you, Heather, heals the wound wizards” “At Dragonsypre City, we all will fight the evil army expect you, Ryan.”
I said, “Why? Oh yea I will take care of Zatsu.” I forget that I am the strongest wizard in here except only my master, Yuri. I quip nervously because I don’t get my courage 100% yet.
Heather hold my hand and said, “Don’t worry, you are not alone” “We will do this together, okay?”
I nod and Zach said, “We will be always rough and strong than them, remember?!”
I said, “Okay, I promise.”
Next day, we finally arrive at Mooshu City, and there are many farmers and shops of china-themed clothes. I see the pagodas, rice fields, and beautiful tall mountains. I wave my hand to hello to farmers, and they smile me back as honored. I find my camp site, and I practice my ice spells. I cast the ice elf, but it fizzle. Fizzle means you fail to cast the spell. I practice again and again until finally got it. I need to pick my armor for tomorrow battle against Zatsu. At perfect time, one of Mooshu farmer gives me the special armor from his family tradition. I was shocked because it has beautiful colors (black of base color with light blue-ice color as second). I thank for my life to him, and focus my training all night.
At early morning, we march toward to Dragonspyre City, and I feel that something is not right and suspense. Dragonspyre City is the ruins of fire, lava, and dark ghosts. When we arrived, I sense the evil darkness near me and saw the evil army.
The evil army has big and tall dark (black) trolls with fiercely red eyes, undead skeletons with sword, werewolves, and evil spirits. I have a butterfly in my stomach, but I ignored it.
I said, “Charge!”, and we run fast as we can to attack first before them. I take my bow and arrow on my back, and aim at troll’s eyes. I let my hand off the string, and the troll was cried while his eyes blind. He falls on the werewolves, and the evil army almost conquered. l have wound on my hand from the string. I have skill to aim and shoot, not that stupid string thingy. Lucky, Heather heals me at right time of the battle. I still fight countless evil army with ice spells until I noticed the man stood on the top of the hill. Zatsu.
“You will pay for your evilness” I said, and Zatsu said, “I guess you don’t remember me”. I was confused from that sentence and immediately I see the scar on his left eye and remembered him.
In my old room, I heard crying and shout of people around the neighborhood, and I saw lots of blood on the street. My mom said, “Come here!”, and I was scared. I run to her, and she hides me in the toy box. Before the box was close, my father said, “I love you” then, the strange dark ball hits him. Father fell out the window, and my crying mother said, “Why?!”. Then my box finally closed but, her crying and shout started to stop. I was worried, is everyone okay? I peeked the outside of the box slowly. Then, I saw a stranger with the scar on his left eye; he was evil laughingly and looked at me.
He said, “One day, meet me when you are strong enough to fight me then you will understand the words”. Words stabbed my brain. Pain. Betrayal. HATE. I can’t take it anymore, so I accidently cast the unknown light blue spell on him. He was yelled and almost blind to death. He fled out of the crime scene.
Angriness and Revenge fire in my stomach and brain, so I have hard time to control my emotions. “YOU! Why did you kill people and my parents?!”
Zatsu said, “Because your stupid mother gave you some her powers before she died, I have hard time to control it! You should die 13 years ago!” I don’t still understand him but he is very dangerous man. I decide to casts ice elf, and small ice elf appears in the middle of the battlefield. He takes his ice bow and arrow, and aim sharply at Zatsu’s heart. When the ice elf starts to shoot, the skeleton cut his leg. Ice elf fall on the ground, but he shoots the arrow at the skeleton.
Ice elf said, “Sorry, master”, and he disappear nowhere. Damn it.
Zatsu said, “Hahaha and you have same fate like your mercifully parents!”, and he plan to casts the death spell. My guts say that something feels not right about that spell, and the spell look like try to steal my life and happiness. I can’t hit by that spell or I will be goner. I need to do something to saves me before too late! Hmm… I have an idea! I casts the death dispel on him, and dispel means on kind of school, your spell will be fizzle guaranteed. Zatsu fizzled the spell, and then it’s my turn to cast the spell! Yes! But… I have no idea what I need to do next. Unexpected, my hand start to glow in blue light, and I feels little burn. I get new strange ice spell that it’s never exists at my ice school. I decide to cast it, and some of the mountains appear in middle of the battlefield. The skeletons were shocked, and fall off the mountains. The big ice titan appears with his big hammer, and he look at the evil army and Zatsu closely.
Zatsu said, “What? How you can copy your stupid father’s special spell?” The ice titan swing his ice hammer, and the winds become spin, spin, and spin strongly like an ice tornado. He raises his ice hammer, and he threw his arm forward to the evil army.
Zatsu said, “No” “I wish I killed you long ago!” When the hammer touches the ground, the hammer crack and destroys the battle field to the ruins. When the ice titan raises his hammer again, the evil army and Zatsu were gone. The battle is finally over, and Heather run and hugged me gently.
Zach run to us, and said, “Lucky! I wish I have that spell!”
I said, “Yeah” and look at the sky. The sky finally becomes clear of dark clouds and brightly as white.

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