Citadel of Shadows | Teen Ink

Citadel of Shadows

November 15, 2013
By The-Noir-Poet GOLD, Sandy, Utah
The-Noir-Poet GOLD, Sandy, Utah
18 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is part of wisdom never to revisit to a wilderness... To return not only spoils a trip, but also tarnishes a memory." Aldo Leopold

Citadel of Shadows
The Beginning

Scene 1
(The streets of London. Faint talking in the background and the Big Ben clangs. It is 11:00 AM, and the main character is sitting in a park bench. A donut is in his hand and he is pecking at it, as if not hungry. Looks stage front and into audience.)

Alex: I know, Citadel of Shadows, so ostentatious. You may be thinking, this better be worth my while, this is an interesting show, and look it’s my son, Freddie. Listen to me. You all came very close to disappearing. And if it wasn’t for the wonderful men and women that gave their lives for you even if you did not know this had happened, you would all be gone. So listen and learne some of the history of The Last Stand.
(The scene changes to a medieval set. There are a few ensemble members that are training. Alex and his friend, Jeff walk in from the left, dressed in black robes. They are talking to each other, and snaking around the Garden Columns.)

Jeff: Alex, my friend. You are young and have barely reached 200, let me tell you the way’s of women¬¬?

Alex: Jeff, you are an incompetent when it comes to women. Listen, they don’t care about muscles, or how large our wallets are. They want a smart man, someone that can actually pose a challenge for their superiorly developed minds. It is true that the philosophers used to say that women would never advance to anything, but look how far we advanced in 2,000 years! I bet that some of the old masters of the past would be red with shame for how they treated their women, and see our advanced in the sciences and our breakthroughs in the realm of magic. Can’t you see that we are better and more educated than the men that used to rule us?
Jeff: Alex, you are extremely romantic when you talk about how women looked for somebody as superiorly smart as them, but we are not taking the steps we need if you want a world like that. The road is in front of us as you well said, with our advancements, but the poets of old used to say: “Carry a baby with you, and he can live for a day, teach him how to walk and he will live until his old age, if the Time Gods permit it, I may add.
Alex: I may be a romantic, but it is true, women are smarter than you give them credit for.
Jeff: Whatever you say Alex, whatever you say. Speaking of women, who is that LOVELY maiden who you have your eyes on, you entranced boy?
Alex: What are you talking about I have no idea of what you are saying her name is Isabel…
Jeff: Ah Hah! I knew it; it’s that girl from Higher University of Science, isn’t it?
Alex: Just don’t tell her, okay? I’m waiting for the right time to, you know, make my move.
Jeff: Oh, I know Alex, and don’t worry. I won’t tell a soul.

(Walk away)
Isabel enters from behind one of the Columns. Smile as if uncertain and then turn and run away.
Black out.

Scene 2
(The private quarters of the King. Alex is in full leather uniform, black because of his status. Standing in the center of the stage is a pedestal, with a skull on it. On occasion, smoke floats away from its eyes and any other apertures a skull has.)

Thanos: Alex, do you know why you are here? Don’t answer, it was a rhetorical question. You are here because you have been chosen, to guard my son from any danger. This is not a choice I took lightly, yet when I saw your acts of bravery I knew you were the only true soldier, worthy of this honor, I have asked this same favor from several other soldiers and only one accepted, I need two guardians though. Now, as a Guardian, you will not suffer of any diseases; any acts of violence or anything that may put your life in peril, will not harm you. You will live forever. You skin will be unbreakable and any poison will only invigorate you. Spells that are cast on you will give you energy, and you will learn them instantaneously. The only drawback is, you will feel terribly tired after battle and most of your spare time you will spend sleeping. All I ask of you is that you guard my son with all your might. Do you accept?

Alex: My King, I am extremely honored, and I know this is a big decision, but I don’t feel like I am capable of such a commitment. I mean, with my father sick and my mother taking care of him. I’m the only one in the house that can cook and my work and studies and?

Thanos: That lovely Isabel, who is my niece?

Alex: How did y?

Thanos: I know many things. I know about your life. Your father will be tended for, you mother too. As for your studies, we have a library here, at the palace and I might arrange for you and my niece to meet. I don’t know a banquet perhaps, a picnic?
Alex: What more can I say? Go ahead with the process. If my family is to be taken care for and I may find love, what more can I wish for?
Thanos: Good! Place you hand on this skull. Now, repeat after me: I will be a guardian of the prince; none shall stand in the way between me and the prince.
Alex: I will be a guardian of the prince; none shall stand in the way between me and the prince.
(Sharp flash of light and Alex in laying on the floor, the king staring at him. Alex gets up and stares at his hands. Then looks at the king and bows.)

Thanos: I shall have your family moved to the palace. As for your father, the best doctors and healers will tend to him. Thank you, my servant, thank you.
(Alex is still in London, but he is now going to the airport. He is carrying a small bag. He often looks around and shakes his head.)

Alex: The King would soon become my friend. The other soldier that had accepted the role of guardian was my friend Jeff. I “met” Isabel, and we soon got married. The prince was born a couple of days after I accepted the Kings offer and it was all going great. I had finished my studies at the University of Higher Philosophies, and the years were filled with joy throughout the land. Now as you know and have often heard this part, things took a turn for the terrible and unexpected worse.

Scene 3
(In the Garden of Fauns. Alex and his wife Isabella walk by the moonlight. Isabella is expecting a child and has an 8 month belly. The curvature has to be clear to see.)

Isabel: It’s a beautiful moon tonight. I reminds me of that time when you first met me. Your face was like a tomato fruit. (Laugh gently and caress belly.) I can’t believe that 100 years ago we met for the first time.

Alex: Yes, it’s been crazy. With the prince being born and the King having that celebration for 3 straight months! What was he thinking? You remember he got so drunk that he accidentally almost named another Guardian?
(Both smile fondly at the memory)

Isabel: Yes.
Both: That was pretty scary.
Isabel: How’s the prince doing? I heard he was having trouble with his philosophies.
Alex: He’s doing better, but he should pay attention to his Philosophy teacher. I was pretty good at this philosophy stuff, but that was 150 years ago. Ethics and morals have changed so much. Can you believe it? Some youth want a thing called democracy. It’s pretty sketchy.
Isabel: Ouch! The baby is kicking!
Alex: What?! Oh ah, what do I do??
Isabel: No silly! The baby is kicking. He isn’t due for another month.
Alex: (Embarrassed) Oh.
Isabel: Alex, do you remember that conversation you had with your friend Jeff? About women being smart?
Alex: Yes, I do. Why?
Isabel: I wouldn’t have married you if you had agreed with him.
(Walk away, holding hands. Make an earthquake sound. Alex is the only one that notices. Walks away a little uneasy. Next day, in the King’s quarters.)
Thanos: Alex, you are my most trusted Guard. I trust you more than I trust your friend Jeff. So I need to tell you this. I’m afraid that he might try to kill the prince. I ‘m not afraid of him killing me, as long as my son is alive I am at peace. But I’m going off in a tangent. I’m afraid some of my worst dreams are coming true. You see, there once was a branch of my government that was dedicated itself to find ways of defending my kingdom from our neighboring countries, but something went awry, I’m not going to share the details, but the people in charge of that branch took all their discoveries and disappeared into the Forest of No-Return. Except a scout of that group actually came back, and he was changed, Alex. That man who used to live in this country was a monster. They have no sense of mercy. I sent a group of soldiers to detain the creature and they were dispatched by that thing in a matter of seconds. I need you to tighten the security around the country and if necessary seal of the citadel.
Alex: But my king, such a thing. It’s like you expect a full scale invasion… (Trail off) But you are! My King, this is terrible. You have to warn the people?
Thanos: And tell them what? This branch of the government never existed. Plus the people don’t believe so much in these things anymore. I have received some letters of a few youth of the University of Higher Politics. They want me to resign by place on the throne and remake the government, something they call democracy. I can’t allow that. This government was made by the gods and it will stay that way. Sure the youth still believe in magic, but have forgotten the gods that gave it to them. Alex, I am going to send the Prince to an outpost for him to see what’s like to have to make instant choices, and as his guardian, you are to go with him. I fear that outpost may be the weakest in our country’s defense system.
(Walk out. In the London scenery, Alex I purchasing a ticket for the airplane. Turn around and stand in stage center. Make ensemble members leave so that he is alone.)

Alex: I went with the prince and indeed, as the king had said, that outpost was a fatal one. We were attacked viciously almost a few moments after we arrived. We held for some hours and I saw strength in the prince that I had never seen before. He would have made a great king, but for some reason I don’t understand, and still, after thousands of years of staying alive in this world, the prince threw himself in front of me. Why would he do that? I was his bodyguard and an immortal for that matter (shake head). The arrow pierced him through and I carried him out of the battle immediately.

(Scene happens inside a temple. Doesn’t matter what it looks like, give it a feeling of a sacred place.)

Alex enters from stage right charring his charge, the prince. Blood covers the prince, Alex is unscathed.”

Alex: Oh no! My prince, my prince!! Cursed be this day of terrible sadness.
Did you forget I can’t die? I was supposed to protect the prince and now…
You knew I could not be harmed.
The fate of mankind rested on your shoulders?
(A loud roar. Men screaming.)
What has this times gone to? Bring back the years of happiness and celebration. Bring me back my prince.
<Back to friend.>
And now… <check pulse, and find nothing.>
You are dead.
The monsters are overriding the outpost, and soon the whole country. My prince, no, no my young friend, oh bring back my friend, bring back the little boy that bumped his shins in the stairs of the palace, that stole the cranberries from the kitchens.
I shall not give up. My prince is in a better world, but I’m still here, and as a Guardian, my country is my next objective, and I must defend it.
By the Gods, I shall not yield!
I did not take the Guardian Vow, just to give up as soon as I was surrounded by these vile creatures!
(Again in London. Alex is standing at the doors of the airport bay, in stage back. Turn around and face audience.)
Scene 1

Alex: It was a battle to remember. I don’t really remember what happened, to be totally honest. Next thing I knew I was in the palace, covered in blood that was not mine. I guess that I fought my way to the citadel. After a moment, I sealed off the citadel from the rest of the world. It was a sight to see. A giant curtain of lightning falling around the citadel. Bad thing was I was not the one with the power to un-seal the citadel. So as far as we knew, we were here for good. I had carried the prince with me and now I had to tell the King.
(Fade to a living room. See Jeff standing next to Alex and Isabel. Isabel is sitting down on a chair, holding his hand. Thanos is sitting in his throne, with his son’s body covered by a rectangle of silk.)

Thanos: Alex…My son is dead.

Alex: Yes. I have failed you.

Thanos: Yes, you have. I thought I could trust you. It seems… I was wrong in trusting you.

Alex: I’m sorry, my king…

Thanos: YOU ARE SORRY? My son is DEAD, Alex. You have failed your vow and if I had my way, I would execute you immediately. Fortunately for you, your status as a guardian protects you.
(Alex seems to relax)

Thanos: But, it does not protect your wife. And I will have her executed.

Alex: You can’t do that, I won’t let you! (Restrained by two guards)
Thanos: I don’t care if she is my niece; she is your wife and the only way for me to get my revenge. You have disappointed me. And this is the price. And Alex, I can do anything I want to do. I will let you live, but know that you killed your wife. Take her away!
Isabel: ALEX! Help me!
(Men take away Isabel. Alex slumps forward and kneels on the floor. Jeff kneels by him and places a comforting hand on his shoulder. Alex shakes it off. Black out into a cell. Isabel’s clothes are in tatters and she’s shackled to the wall.)

Isabel: Oh cursed be my fate! My uncle… that man is not my king; I do not recognize the gentle man that would carry me on his shoulders, that would slip me pastries from the kitchens. But his son… would Alex react the same way if our yet-to-be-born son were to die in battle? The thought gives me shivers, like the cold hand of death is touching me, I feel him already giving the order to The Fire Breather. (Address the baby.) Little one, will you also turn like your father, a man who feels obligated to do his job until it destroys him? Oh Alex, come save me. Gods, I plead to you, let my husband save me. He is your servant, so guide his hand.

Jailer: Quiet you! Don’t make me go silence you up.
(Alex in his airplane seat. A flight attendant offers an orange soda. He accepts it.)

Alex: After my wife was taken to the cells to be executed, I wandered around the citadel, looking for the prison building. I had heard about it, but I was as clueless as blind man in a maze. But I had a sense of purpose, and before I knew it, I was in front of an abysmal building. It looked terrible and the king?hum, guess I should stop calling him that. His real name was Thanos. He was holding my wife in there and I was damned if I was going to leave her there. I saw a couple of men walking into the building and I followed them.
(Set now looks like a prison aisle. Alex is following two men.)

First Guard: I heard she’s in the lower levels. Can you believe it? He let the king’s son die, in cold blood. This going to be an execution to remember. (Both Laugh)

Second Guard: Yes, it is. I heard the King hired a fire breather. Well, see you man. I have to go grab some stuff. See you at lunch.
(Guard turns around and runs smack into Alex, who towers over him. Alex grabs the Guards throat and pushes him with one hand to the ground.)

Alex: Where is she? Tell me, or I will crush your life out.

Second Guard: (Spit in Alex’s face)

Alex: Fair enough.
(Crunching sound and Alex takes his hand off. Alex heads off to the lower levels. Arrive at a part that is half lit by a torch.)

Alex: (Whisper) Isabel!

Isabel: Alex? Over here! The keys are in the table.
(Alex rips the door off its hinges. Embrace and run off.)

Thanos: What did you say? She has been rescued?! That dog, Alex. I want him at my feet, and chained! Stabbed trough with spears! Don’t let him escape.
(Blackout to scene in arrival in the airport. Alex is walking from stage right, to stage left. Pause in the center, turn to audience.)

Alex: My wife and I escaped from that prison. We were assaulted by those vile creatures. Thankfully, I was deft with the use of my hands and dispatched of them in seconds. Things had turned to the unimaginable and I was blamed for it. My friends all hated me and wanted me dead. The citadel had been overrun by those monsters. I had to defend my wife and unborn son from these terrible creatures, and there were things I would do to defend them. Soon, they started coming in less numbers until they stopped coming at all. Screams filled the air and there was the smell of freshly spilled blood. I knew the King would never forgive us, so I knew one thing would save my wife, and only one thing was available.
(The place where Alex was named a Guardian. Skull is still there. No one is there either.)

Alex: Isabel, this is the place I was named a Guardian. I’m going to name you a Guardian too. That way, the King cannot hurt you. I will also take the skull so that when our son is born, he’ll also be impossible to harm. Now, repeat after me: “I will be a guardian of the prince; none shall stand in the way between me and the prince.”

Isabel: “I will be a guardian of the prince; none shall stand in the way between me and the prince.”
(Nothing happens.)

Alex: I don’t understand! It should have worked, I mean, when the King made me take the oath, I said it and I was a Guardian! There must be something, a switch or?

Isabel: My love, it’s all right. Take the skull. We will learn its secrets, and in time, we will be together. Forever.


King: Oh, how touching. Indeed, you will be together. You will be imprisoned together, forever.

(Snap Fingers. Flash of light. Isabel is now a Guardian.)

King: Now, Guards! Imprison them!
(Nothing happens)

King: Guards? I said imprison them! Where are the guards! (Fall on the floor.)

Alex: There are no guards. They all deserted you. You see, there are monsters in this citadel. It will be a couple of minutes before they burst through your doors. By then, Isabel and I will be gone, and you will die. Unless, you come with us, we can save you. You are still our relative. We have loved you and we can still love you. Come. Guide your army and defend us.
(King takes Alex’s hand. Fade away. Fade back to Alex standing in front of a door in an apartment building. It opens and we see Isabel standing there. A boy is standing next to her. They hug. Walk in to an apartment. See the King sitting there, reading a book. Looks up and smiles, then walks up to Alex, shakes his hand and goes back to sitting down.)

Alex: We rallied all the men we could find, and got them to fight with us. It was a terrible battle. All the people died, but the monsters were killed. All of them, we made sure of it. We made bitter, tiring, sure of it, by activating the nuclear core’s meltdown. It was frightening, looking at that citadel explode in a brilliant, white explosion. It was gone in a second. Our knowledge, our history, all gone, but we detained the monsters, those terrible accidents. So be grateful to the people that gave their lives for you. And don’t forget what they did.

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