The Heist | Teen Ink

The Heist

December 20, 2013
By Isaac Miller BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Isaac Miller BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A soft voice crackled over the radio, “Ok. We got a job. There is a bank not too far from here. It looks like there will be cameras and guards. You’ll need to crack the safe with the thermal drill. The drill will be located in a red truck behind the bank. Remember to take hostages so that the police will be hesitant to try and stop you. Don’t kill unless necessary. Try not to get yourself killed.” Later that evening, around 6:00 P.M, the bank robbers reached the street in front of the bank.

The voice on the radio blared again, “Tyrone and Nick go in through the back. Isaac and Joe will go through the front and start taking hostages. Remember Nick, grab the drill before going in.”
Nick grabbed the drill and broke down the back door, as Joe and I went inside to take hostages. “Get on the ground now!” Joe demanded. All of the people inside got down. I said, “Ok all electric devices go in the bag or else.” Everybody put their electronics in the bag. In the back Tyrone knocked out two guards in front of the fault. “Nick set up the drill,” Tyrone said. As the drill was set up and running five cop cars pull up at the front of the bank. Everyone hears the sound of the siren roaring.

“We’ve got cops at the front!” Tyrone yelled. Immediately, Nick replied, “I’ll take care of them.” Nick climbed onto the roof and took pot shots at the cops. The cops ducked down for cover and started to shoot back. After five minutes, all the cops were dead, and three S.W.A.T vans pulled up to the side of the bank. All of a sudden, the bank was filled with the sounds of the vault creaking open. Tyrone said, “Yo, we got cash baby!” all of us but Nick put money into bags and threw them to Tyrone who ran behind the bank and put the cash into the getaway car. Out of the blue, windows started to smash as S.W.A.T moved in.

As the S.W.A.T moved in, we slipped out of the back and started to drive away. All of a sudden they heard sirens blaring behind them. Nick yelled, “They’re following us! We got to lose them now!” Joe cut a sharp corner and heard the screaming of the tires as it gripped the pavement. After about an hour we pulled up to what looked like a broken down building. We pulled into the building and stopped. I flung open the doors and the only thing in the room was a statue.
Joe and I walked back outside and grabbed all of the bags and walked up to the statue. Tyrone walked closer, looked around placed a wad of cash in the hand of the statue. The ground shook a little and then a stair case formed around the statue. We all walked down the stairs that lead to secret base that was full of money and guns. Joe asked, “Is it time for a spending spree now?” I replied, “Yes I think we earned a shopping spree, but be careful there are a lot of thieves around here so watch out for them. All of us got in the car and drove off. We spent almost all of the money that was in the bank in about three hours and headed back to the broken down building. As all got back into the car to go back home, a gang back at the crooks base started to look around. The gang finds out that the secret stair case was left open. Eventually, the gang when down and loaded up on the weapons and packed all of the money left there in bags and put them in their boss’s truck. Immediately, their boss started to drive off and said, “When those robbers get back, I want them dead and steal any other things they have on them. Remember they’re good at running, driving, and killing so sneak up on them.” Later that evening we got back and started to walk inside. Immediately Joe got shot right in the head and dropped to the floor with a thud. The three of us left started to run away but it was too late. A group of five gang member jump out of the bushes and filled the rest of the robbers with lead. As my life flashed before my eyes I think back to the days as a kid running around with the air ruffling my hair running away from the cops and bring back food for the family. When I get to my house I could smell the fumes of rot and decay of my home. I realized I was a bad kid and I had a really bad life. I welcome death. After they moved the bodies, the gang spray painted a skull on the wall to state that they were there. Later, the gang members fetched the rest of the stuff they could find and road off.

The author's comments:
I hope you like this I worked hard on it.

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