Hunter | Teen Ink


February 27, 2014
By lootisoptional BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
lootisoptional BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jason was close now. He could smell his prey’s fear. The innocent target was rushing up the staircase. Jason knew it wouldn’t take much longer. Days of searching over in a flash. He heard the man resting against an apartment door, all Jason had to do know was to find it. Knock, nobody. Knock, nobody. Knock, still nobody. Three doors left, he could taste sweet victory. Knock. The gasp gave the man away. Jason knew he was behind this door. He could end it right here. But his mind was already captured by the evil, so he decided not to.

One kick was all it took. There the man stood, right behind the splinters of the wrecked door. A single tear ran down his cheek. Jason began to smile. He grabbed the knife out of his pocket, and he cleaned the crimson blood of his previous victims from its tip. The man stood there, shaking from fear. Jason walked into the apartment, the man keeping a distance. Jason saw the news on the TV. He then realized his task had to be completed, and swiftly. The man was now pressed against the wall. Jason came closer and closer, his weapon raised, ready to strike.

A massive explosion outside caught Jason’s attention. He heard screaming. In that split second, the man made a swift motion with his hand to Jason’s ribs. The silence after that was only broken by Jason’s knife dropping. His eyes grew wide. He fell to his knees and took his last, broken breath. He had been defeated. Hunter, hunted.

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