The Jungle | Teen Ink

The Jungle

April 16, 2014
By ayeeee BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
ayeeee BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My plane crashed in this jungle on November 15, 1945. My son, Andrew, is the only survivor along with me out of 103 passengers, my daughter and wife were in that plane too. We were taking a family trip to Africa to help out the children who lack the basic needs. I brought a calendar in my carry-on bag, so I determined that it is now January 21, 1948. I have been surviving off of the fish in the streams and other aquatic animals. I use a spear made out of a sharp arrowhead and bamboo to catch animals and for protection from the bigger predators. We set up a campsite too, out of the same bamboo that I made my spear. My son uses two hand-held wooden daggers. I built a roof for us and Andrew built the rest of our bamboo house. My worst fear is being in a situation with a hungry tiger waiting to get their supper. Unfortunately, I fell right into that dilemma.

It was a rainy and quiet evening in the jungle, all you could hear was the rain dropping and the tigers yawning. I was yawning myself, it was about 10 o’clock in the morning, I was craving some fresh fish, Andrew agreed so we left to find some. On our way to the stream, we heard loud and peculiar noises near our campsite. We turned back in fear waiting to see the dangers ahead. Andrew and I began to walk faster and faster, soon it came to a fast jog. When we reached the campsite, we just saw about 5 tigers fighting over something. I realized that they were fighting over the left over fish that I forgot to put away. Then, the tigers spotted us.

Andrew and I started sprinting the opposite way of the ferocious tigers. We were running so fast, but Andrew wasn’t paying close attention to his surroundings. He tripped on a loose root from a tree. I was helping him up when I saw the tigers start to gnaw on his leg and drag him away, I was not going to let that happen to my last family member. So, I tugged with so much force that the tiger lost its grasp. I knew I was going to be dead meat too, so I tried to find an escape route. But, the tigers were too close to me so an idea came into my head. I thought that if I would climb a tree, the tigers wouldn’t be able to get me. As I started up the tree, the tigers got me by my leg. But I fought and struggled, it just wasn’t enough to get loose. I lost grip of the tree, and I went down getting knocked unconscious. Then, I woke up with my back up against the tree and I saw Andrew making a fire. He saved my life but curiosity began to build in my head about how he took them all on. I asked him, he said he used his two wooden daggers. In a difficult situation, I would think I would be the one to save somebody’s life.

The author's comments:
I hope kids will understand to trust and believe in eachother.

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