Destroyed Desires | Teen Ink

Destroyed Desires

April 18, 2014
By Rose457 BRONZE, Red Lion, Pennsylvania
Rose457 BRONZE, Red Lion, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Never in my life have I’ve been so stupid to believe he loved me. It’s all his fault that I’m in this rotting jail and away from my own people. I thought as I watched from my tiny window the government agents pace back and forth in front of the prison, keeping it secure. Sighing, I walked over to my worn out cot and laying down thinking back to how I got myself in this situation. Why did I have to meet him and fall in love with a total stranger? I promised myself that I would never fall in love, never but then he came into my life.

--One Year Ago--

I felt the warm sun shining on my face as I opened my eyes and greeted by Sam, a stray cat that has followed me since I was 13. She was an orange tabby cat with big blue eyes and a tiny pink nose; she was so thin that you could almost see her bones. That’s one of the many things she and I had in common. Like her, I was thin, but had enough meat on me that you couldn’t see my bones and I was alone in this cruel world, just like her. I sat up from my makeshift bed made hay and grass clippings in an old barn I had come across two years ago.Walking over to the water pump, I poured the cool water into my dirt covered hands. Bringing my hands up to my mouth, I took a long drink of the water and I savored every bit of it. I turned and made my way back over to Sam who was lying in my bed, if you could call it that, half asleep. Bending down, I scooped her up in my arms and hugged her tight. She was the only thing I had left.


The woods were always dark and dreary but I was never afraid of them. My dad use to say, “If you have looked into the eyes of fear and survived, then you can never fear anything again.” That line stuck with me the rest of my life. My parents died when I was 13 in an attempt to save all rebels captured by the government but failed and got shot. From what I’ve heard from old family friends is that I look exactly like my mother from the sparkling blue eyes to my dirty blonde hair. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a twig snap right in front of me. I slowly walked towards the bush and quickly pulled the branch back, and I was shocked at what I saw.

There were men in black suits and ties everywhere. I scanned over the area and came across a face that I hoped I would never see again, Alex McCain. He was the most cruel human being that I have ever came across in my life. He kills innocent people and he enjoys doing it, I don’t even know how many innocent lives he has taken but one things for sure, I despise him. He was walking over to where I was hiding, as quickly as I could I ducked behind the bush. Then I heard him speak.

“She’s out there somewhere I just know it.”

His voice sounded close. I froze afraid to even take a breath. He was talking about me. Ever since I could remember he has hated me and I have hated him. I might not understand why he hates me but I’m glad he does I could never be within five feet of a person who I knew was capable of killing me right on the spot.

“Sir we found something that might interest you,” another voice interrupted.

He sighed and I heard the faint sound of foot steps walking away. I let out a sigh of relief and slowly started to stand, as I did I got a glimpse of a large man holding what looked like a brown leather bag. It looked just like the one I had that I left back at the barn. Then it clicked. That was my bag which meant that they had found my hide out. Without thinking, I turned and sprinted as fast as I could back to the barn. As I got closer to the barn I heard the stumps of boots on the ground and faint talking, I came to a stop and hid behind a tree observing the scene before me. A few agents stood around the barn marching back and forth. From where I was I could see a silhouette of a slim man standing in the doorway of the barn talking to a tall stocky man in all black.

All of a sudden, I lost my balance and fell making a lot of noise on the way down. I quickly look up to see all eyes on me and people running over to help but as they got closer they stopped and stared.

“It’s her!” a boy, who was about my age, yelled. All eyes were on me and in a matter of seconds government agents came running in my direction. I tried to run but they were too fast. My hands were pulled behind my back and I was pushed down to my knees with an agent behind me holding me down.

“Well, if it isn’t Blair Stevens!” Alex’s voice boomed through my ears.

I quickly looked up and came face to face with Alex McCain.

“Alex McCain,” I stated bitterly.

“I’m pleased to know you still remember me since it’s been so long.” He exclaimed with a sly smirk on his perfectly round face. I had to admit, if he wasn’t a killer I would have thought he was pretty handsome with his light brown hair that came just above his chocolate brown eyes.

“How could I forget a cold low life like you?” I spat with hate in every word. He just laughed and shook his head with amusement.

“All these years you’ve been hiding in the most obvious place, but now I’ve finally found you and the best part is,” he slowly leaned in and whispered, “you can’t do anything about it.”

As soon as he said those word, I head butted him and fell to the ground holding his forehead. Turning around, punching the agent right in the jaw, as my fist collided with his jaw I could hear a crack.

I quickly turn and run from the government agents trying my hardest not to trip over large tree roots and fallen trees. As I ran, I would turn every once in awhile to make sure that no one was following me and about 34 miles of running later there were no agents behind me. Slowing to a walk, I soon realized I had ran out of San Diego and that I would soon be arriving in Hollywood. Ever since I could remember I wanted to see the ruins of what use to be the famous Hollywood, California.


By the time I arrived at Hollywood it was nearly dark and I soon would have to take shelter for the night. I walked down the dark streets of Hollywood with only one street light that lit up the night sky. The wind blew vigorously as I walked down the dark road the hairs on my arms stood on end because of the cold wind. All of a sudden I saw a dark shadow from the corner of my eye flash past an old building right beside me.

“Who’s there?” I shouted but there was no answer. I saw the shadow again and turn in the direction and there right in the middle of the road under the streetlamp stood a boy. His face was angular with high cheekbones and a long nose, his eyes were a piercing blue color and his lips were full and a light shade of pink. He was the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen in my life he looked like a real life Prince Charming. Then out of no where he spoke.

“ The better question is who are you?” He emphasized the you and pointed at me.

“ I asked you first.” I stated plainly. He chuckled.

“I’m Jason.” He answered with a smile on his face. He held out his hand and I gladly accepted it.

“I’m Blair.” I voiced also with a smile on my face.

“Well Blair what brings you here to what’s left of Hollywood?” He questioned. We started down the street and it wasn’t until we got halfway down the road did I speak.

“I’m just here visiting this historical town.” I lied. I was not about to tell a total stranger that I was being chased by the government.

“Oh cool,” He replied.

“So what about you? What are you doing in this legendary city?” I asked.

“Well my parents died when I was young and my brother never really cared for me that much so one day I ran away,” he paused, “ever since then I’ve been all over the country, all alone.”

“I know the feeling.” I retorted.

“Really? How so?” he asked.

“My parents died when I was 13 and since I’m an only child I had no one else to turn too.” I explained.

“At least I’m not the only one.” He mumbled.

“So where are you staying?” He asked.

“ I don’t know?” I replied.

“You could stay with me if you want? I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He offered. A huge smile erupted on my face.

“That would be wonderful!” I exclaimed, excited. For some reason he makes me feel like I can trust him even though I just met him. We walked quietly down the road only the sound of our feet hitting the ground. Soon we came to a fork in the road but just off to the left side was, what looked like, a apartment building. Jason verd to the left to the apartment building I quickly followed behind him and walked briskly to catch up with his moving figure. We approached the building door and in one swift movement the door was open. Jason let me walk in ahead of him into the building, once in the building, I looked around in awe. The whole building had the old-time feel to it and there were antique lamps. vases and painting everywhere.

“It’s not much but it’s home,” Jason claimed.

“It’s perfect,” I smiled up at him

“Well I’m glad because my home is your home now.” He said with a smile on his face.

--2 Months Later--

.It’s been two months since I’ve met Jason and ran away from the government. Not only that but Jason and I have gotten really close I really think I love him and I think he feels the same way. I’ve never been happier in my life when he’s with me. Everything he does makes me get butterflies in my stomach I really think that I’m in love with him.

I was currently sitting in bed, laying back and thinking about Jason. He was out trying to find some more food and maybe get me some more cloth. As I was lying there, I kept hearing the distant sound of boots hitting the ground, as if they were marching. I sat up in the bed and slowly made my way to the front door, but before I could the door was busted open and many government agents came running in. Turning and running for the stairs, I raced to the top but not fast enough. An agent grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back.

“Jason! Jason! Help!” I yelled.

I struggled to get out of his grip but it was no use. He carried me back to the living room where I saw Jason. He looked at me and then quickly looked back down. In that moment I realized that he was the one that turned me in. He was working with the government. I was heartbroken.

--Present Day--

A couple days after that I was interrogated on what I knew about the rebels but I refused to give away any where abouts of my people. So their solution was to put me in jail and here I am today sitting here thinking of what could have been if I never met Jason. Not only did I get thrown in jail, but I soon found out that Jason was Alex’s brother and that was Alex’s plan all along. To find me, me to run to Hollywood, to fall in love with Jason, and at just the right time capture me and break me more than ever.

He broke your heart and you have to suffer with the pain for the rest of your life. I thought, but I can’t deal with the pain any more. I just can’t. Then it’s decided. I looked over to my right and saw what I was I was looking for. A rope. Walking over to the rope, I picked it up and examined it in my hand. I put it on my bed and walked over to the small desk in the corner of my cell. I pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote this:

Dear whomever finds this letter,

I’ve left this world because the one I love has broken my heart and I wish not to grieve over this loss any longer. I can not bare to wake up again in this rotting cell. I guess you have to be careful who you trust. One things for sure I know I’ve learned my lesson, but I can’t go on with life. So I’ve decided to join my mother and father in hopes to be happy again. Please if you ever get the chance, tell Jason that I love him and I will miss him dearly.

Yours truly,

Blair Stevens

Folding up the paper, I slipped it into an envelope and wrote on the front, to whomever would find this letter. I placed it on my cot and picking up the rope. I grabbed the old chair from the desk and stepped up on to it. Attaching the rope the beam above, I tied a knot to create a hole that just fit over my head. Taking the rope around my neck, I took a deep breath and stepped off the chair. That was it, my life was over.

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