Childhood Truths | Teen Ink

Childhood Truths

May 18, 2014
By Anonymous

   Pirate Treasure, A Short Story
      A little girl snuck down the stairs in a silent search for the missing ribbon. Who had taken it? She had her suspicions, but couldn't know for sure... Emma was a young girl about the age of 10. She enjoyed a lot of things, singing, playing, hunting for treasure, and other sorts of normal, ten-year-old girl things. Most of all she loved chasing down Bobby, her 7-year-old evil brother. Today they were pirates. Bobby had taken her hair ribbon, so what was the most reasonable response? Hunt him down and retrieve the bow at all costs, duh! 
      Emma crept down the stairs in a orderly fashion, silent but deadly. However, paths can be deceiving, and a squeaky toy gave her away. As she went tumbling down the stairs, she saw the culprit out of the corner of her eye, with a sea green something in his hands. His giggle and running footsteps blew the case wide open, Bobby was the Culprit! Of course! How could she have been so blind? His access to her bedroom, some of his shirt on the floor by her treasure chest, it was all so obvious! And now he had gotten away. Luckily, she knew where he was headed. 
     Up, down, over, under, upside down, right side out, inside, outside, through. She was bobbing up and down on the waves below her ship. Bobby was just beyond the horizon, she could feel it. The wind raged, the waves beat against her couches bow, but she knew where she was going. The caves under the dining room table were calling her.
       As her ship pulled up to the island, Bobby slunk back farther into his space. He could see his enemy's boots searching back and forth outside his cave, but he kept silent. How did she find out? The fall on the beach was a fluke, but how could she have seen him? He was running before she could have gotten a glimpse of him. No matter. Soon, he could leave this filthy cave and return to his bedroom’s private island, with the Buzz and Woody bed set. The magic hair ribbon was going to make him rich, plus, it came with the embarrassment of his arch enemy. Suddenly it got really quiet. The shuffling of boots on the sand had stopped, no sign of Emma at all. Just the sound of waves on the sand. Bobby got really quiet, even more than before, and he sat in complete and utter silence. Then his spine chilled as he heard a voice behind him, "Hello Bobby"
      Emma knew he was there somewhere, in one of those crevices, or buried somewhere… Those blankets did look suspicious. She had to find him, where there were traitors, their are hair ribbons. “He couldn't have gone far,” she thought. He would have seen her ship and hidden somewhere knowing that escape by water was not a possibility with her approaching so quickly. She shuffled along the shore, looking for an underground entrance. A movable rock, trap door, but there was nothing of that sort to be found. Emma then searched the crevices in and around the caves. Perhaps he had hidden the bow to return later. Nothing. She entered the caves silently as Bobby had done but minutes before, in pursuit of her treasure. She crawled and crawled, never letting a sound escape her lips. She was hot on his trail, the unmistakable smell of burnt pizza was fresh. Then she spotted him, by the second entrance to the cave, crouched in the corner waiting for attack. But she knew better, she got up close behind and whispered into his ear, "Hello Bobby." She was in for the kill. 

      Bobby jumped up in surprise, hitting his head on the caves not-so-tall ceiling. Nonetheless he jumped up and ran from the cave, just slipping from Emma's grasp. Emma toppled after him, both of them speeding down the beach. Around a palm tree, down a series of rocks, through a short series of vines, and finally, Emma had him cornered against some rocks. "Finally!" She said, "This is it..." it was her chance to nab the bow and finish Bobby once and for all! She was triumphant over the enemy. Bobby's back was against the wall, he struggled to escape. In the distance he saw something running for them, surely is was some great animal here to finish him off. The door closest to him was open, here was his only shot. ”Whats that?" asked Bobby, hoping for a distraction. "Nice try,” was Emma's coy reply, "You won't fool me.” "No seriously, I think you should, AHHHH!" They both went tumbling down a hill. They looked up to see the cause of the fall, all they could see was puppy looking down on them as if to say where are you going? It's playtime... "Foiled?!" shouted Emma, "By a PUPPY?!!!"
      "I'm disgraced" said Emma trowing down her too-big newspaper hat. After her plummet down to the basement playroom with Bobby, she was finished. Bobby turned to her, “Told you so.” he said. "What, and I was supposed to believe my arch enemy?" was her blunt reply. "Well... I guess not,” replied Bobby, handing her the ribbon. "Here. This is yours,” he said plainly. Emma's heart skipped a beat… "Is it lunchtime yet?" he asked her. “Pizza's in the fridge..." she said, voice trailing off. Bobby started to run away, giggling. Emma watched him, but before he was gone, she looked down at the ribbon. "Wait, this isn't mine…” she whispered to herself, “Hey!!!” she yelled after Bobby, leaping up from the ground to chase after the giggling boy. 

The author's comments:
I used to play around a lot with my younger siblings (The names used are not their real ones) and this just makes me laugh at those memories.

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