Dark Castle | Teen Ink

Dark Castle

July 6, 2014
By RaveNevermore PLATINUM, Norfolk, Virginia
RaveNevermore PLATINUM, Norfolk, Virginia
35 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
A fate worse than death is a life less lived

They say you should always listen to your elders, that the young are naive and their minds wonder and that’s why we get distracted and wind up lost. I should have taken that thought into consideration a year ago when I wondered into the Moors at night. It was like any night on

Halloween in Lochaber the brisk air blew through my hair as the sun set over the horizon. I rushed home to change for the evenings events though not much really was needed. I walked to my room Anne Rice books still in boxes my Lewis Carroll novels scattered on my bed “I live in a library” I told myself as I set my bag down on my bed, and grabbed my red duct tape devil horns and tail and applied red lipstick and black eyeliner. I started

to leave but as I stepped one foot out the door father gave me a look that only the gods would give to their children it was fierce and could make and infant stop whining. “Alexandra…” He bellowed his voice was deep “You do know what tonight is I’m assuming or else you wouldn’t be dressed in such garb.” I looked at him and smirked “Yes daddy I know what today is it’s the night of all nights when the Spirits, Fae and other mystic creatures come into the human realm from across the western sea from their mounds to invoke havoc.” He smiled and kissed my forehead and sent me off into the night the last thing he said was “Be careful stay on the path to town and stay away from the Moors.” The moors were a place of beauty and great

scenery but at night especially on Halloween is when the Will o Wisps would come out they could lead the most strong willed man to his death. I listened to my father and stayed on the path to Lochmaben until I saw something glowing in the brush of the moors it looked strange I just had to see what it was. I drove off to the side of the road and ran after it following right behind it and I prayed to Flidais that the quick mud wouldn’t kill me. Then there I was standing in this field of wild flowers, a running river with Onyx Mountains it was something out of story book. As I stood there breathing in the night air I could feel my arm get cold it was a Will o Wisp pointing to this lone Hawthorn stump surrounded by red capped mushroom as I walked towards the stump it began to glow and turned into a door a fae door it was bright green with ivy and roses growing around it, it creaked open and the wisp flew in I stood there thinking if I should follow and what If I didn’t come back. I went for it I fell down the fae door I felt like I was spiraling into my own madness I grabbed ahold of my cross and pray that Don make my transfer into the otherworld a safe one; but I landed. When I opened my eyes I was in the fae realm I was as tall as an elf and face to face with the elder council the guardians of the good folk. They spoke in

sync and in a booming voice “Mortal human do you know why you were brought here to the Fae council?” this all couldn’t seem real it was so incredible I stood there a while in front of the council and wept “No your majesties I’m not aware of why I’m here?” My heart raced my palms began to sweat as I fell to my knees they looked at me and said “ Mortal human stop your weeping we have brought you here to help us fight in the battle

of evil that runs on the open plain, will you help us?” The fear I was feeling began to consume me and drifted I looked at the counsel with might in my heart I let out a joyous yes cheers fled the council walls. As the sun rose upon the following day to the melodic tempos of the Fauns flute I arose from my sleeping quarters and went to explore. The Fae realm was indescribable I began to question why people feared the Fae realm it was peaceful nothing seemed to hurt me. As I passed by a river I came eye to eye with a kelpie; I froze and wondered if it could hurt me like it could in my world I went to touch it and it kneeled before me then vanished. I looked around curious as to what happened maybe it knew something I didn’t, I continued to walk and came across a Mermaid her song was hypnotic she was perched on a moss coated rock stroking her hair I approached her with caution “ Hello fair water maiden.” She looked at me and said “You must be the valiant warrior come to save us all?” Not only stunned by her beauty but how did she know who I was? Did she know my name and the outcome of the war? I had to ask more and find out what she knew. “I am Alexandra the

human girl that crossed into your world from the fae door but how did you know about me and why I’m here?” She laughed and as she began to speak I found myself more and more intrigued by her “I know because the council made it apparent by letting all the magick creatures on this side of the plains know you were here and that you mean no harm because here you are more powerful than you could ever be in your realm.” I looked at her with astonishment I waved good bye and walked to the council running over the bridge passed the brownies, red caps, Baobhan sith, and other small magick beings I walk into the same council hall where I met the fae elders and from at their feet I screamed “What is going on here!” My voice echoed through the walls of the council halls “Answer me you cowards! Am I just some weapon to you because I am human, what is it that makes me powerful!” They appeared in front of me and explained that I was no mere mortal I was the offspring of a Moon Fae and a human man. I dropped to my knees and began to process it all it didn’t make sense how was I supposed to fight if I had never used my powers. “She was our other council member, but she passed to the other world when we were attacked and left you her prized possessions.” They took me to her quarters where they

presented me with her armor and sword they told me I would be wearing it into battle and that this would be my new arrangements to sleep in as of today. I drifted my hands across the black armor with a White crescent emblem. I turned to the elders and said with grief in my voice “I need someone to help me access my powers so I can fight and someone to teach me how to sword fight.” I left to go back to my new living arrangements I couldn’t stop thinking about the news I heard I was enraged that my mother was dead that my father never told me I was half Fae. There was a tapping on the wooden door in entered a slender male in a black and white cloak he got on his knee “Your grace I am Oíche Naofa here to help train you, no time can be wasted.” I followed him out my living space to the training field he gave me a wooden sword and told me to attack the wooden post I focused on the target I moved with ease with each passing strike he watched me amazed at my speed how smoothand flawless my movements were. “You’re

a natural!” He exclaimed “maybe you’re ready for your first moving target?” He removed his cloak and tossed me a sword and drew his from the sheath; his body was something remarkable he had markings that looked tribal and a crescent moon branding on his chest. “Is he like me?”

I whispered to myself as he charged full force at me our speed and agility were evenly matched he threw down his sword breathing heavily and looked at me “Maybe it’s time for some magick training what do you think?” I nodded in agreement, we stood in silence for a moment as Oíche leapt into the air and his wings expanded they were like the night sky he told me to imagine like I was weightless like a cloud. I leapt into the air and my wings expanded; while in flight I asked him what fairies like myself can do. He looked at me and said “You control the phases of the moon, your shadow the shadows of others, the light from the moon, creatures of the night, and empathy and reverse empathy.” I was nervous I looked at him “how do I do this, how do I unlock this unopened potential?” He laughed and said “just focus on me make me the target.” I stared at Oíche as I prayed to Lugh for his magick skills he began to cry laugh and become angry I was manipulating his emotions, we landed our wings retreated back and when he least expected it I attacked him with his own shadow. “You’re ready.” He said his voice weak and cracked, night fell in the distance the Banshee screams the Wulvers begin to howl, we gathered in the plains facing the Dark Castle I led the army of good in the horizon wecould see the evil rising. “We don’t attack until they cross the bridge into the plain.” I called upon the aid of my mother’s Boobrie for aerial aid; as I watched my Boobrie take flight I took hold of my cross and hoped that Morrigan would bringme to victory. When they crossed the bridge they sent out their Baobhan sith, Baisd Bheulach, Slaugh, and imprisoned Hobgoblins. “Charge” I yelled with vigor as I rode the back of a Cu Sith my sword drawn, their fleet was strong but we had them out numbered and one by one they dropped like flies the last one standing was their leader I dropped her to her knees and slit her throat. I was hoisted on the shoulders of thepeople who fought beside me cheering and singing we were stopped by the elders theyglaired at me and asked to speak with me I walk into the council room. “Yes, my elders?” they looked at me with concern “Alexandra we need to know if you wish to stay here in the fae realm or go home?” I stood tall and looked them dead in the face and shouted “I wish to stay here in the fae realm.” They say you should always listen to your elders, that the young are naive and their minds wonder and that’s why we get distracted and wind up lost. I should have taken that thought into consideration a year ago when I wondered into the Moors at night. It was like any night on Halloween in Lochaber the brisk air blew through my hair as the sun set over the horizon. I rushed home to change for the evenings events though not much really was needed. I walked to my room Anne Rice books still in boxes my Lewis Carroll novels scattered on my bed “I live in a library” I told myself as I set my bag down on my bed, and grabbed my red duct tape devil horns and tail and applied red lipstick and black eyeliner. I started to leave but as I stepped one foot out the door father gave me a look that only the gods would give to their children it was fierce and could make and infant stop whining. “Alexandra…” He bellowed his voice was deep “You do know what tonight is I’m assuming or else you wouldn’t be dressed in such garb.” I looked at him and smirked “Yes daddy I know what today is it’s the night of all nights when the Spirits, Fae and other mystic creatures come into the human realm from across the western sea from their mounds to invoke havoc.” He smiled and kissed my forehead and sent me off into the night the last thing he said was “Be careful stay on the path to town and stay away from the Moors.” The moors were a place of beauty and great scenery but at night especially on Halloween is when the Will o Wisps would come out they could lead the most strong willed man to his death. I listened to my father and stayed on the path to Lochmaben until I saw something glowing in the brush of the moors it looked strange I just had to see what it was. I drove off to the side of the road and ran after it following right behind it and I prayed to Flidais that the quick mud wouldn’t kill me. Then there I was standing in this field of wild flowers, a running river with Onyx Mountains it was something out of story book. As I stood there breathing in the night air I could feel my arm get cold it was a Will o Wisp pointing to this lone Hawthorn stump surrounded by red capped mushroom as I walked towards the stump it began to glow and turned into a door a fae door it was bright green with ivy and roses growing around it, it creaked open and the wisp flew in I stood there thinking if I should follow and what If I didn’t come back. I went for it I fell down the fae door I felt like I was spiraling into my own madness I grabbed ahold of my cross and pray that Don make my transfer into the otherworld a safe one; but I landed. When I opened my eyes I was in the fae realm I was as tall as an elf and face to face with the elder council the guardians of the good folk. They spoke in sync and in a booming voice “Mortal human do you know why you were brought here to the Fae council?” this all couldn’t seem real it was so incredible I stood there a while in front of the council and wept “No your majesties I’m not aware of why I’m here?” My heart raced my palms began to sweat as I fell to my knees they looked at me and said “ Mortal human stop your weeping we have brought you here to help us fight in the battle of evil that runs on the open plain, will you help us?” The fear I was feeling began to consume me and drifted I looked at the counsel with might in my heart I let out a joyous yes cheers fled the council walls. As the sun rose upon the following day to the melodic tempos of the Fauns flute I arose from my sleeping quarters and went to explore. The Fae realm was indescribable I began to question why people feared the Fae realm it was peaceful nothing seemed to hurt me. As I passed by a river I came eye to eye with a kelpie; I froze and wondered if it could hurt me like it could in my world I went to touch it and it kneeled before me then vanished. I looked around curious as to what happened maybe it knew something I didn’t, I continued to walk and came across a Mermaid her song was hypnotic she was perched on a moss coated rock stroking her hair I approached her with caution “ Hello fair water maiden.” She looked at me and said “You must be the valiant warrior come to save us all?” Not only stunned by her beauty but how did she know who I was? Did she know my name and the outcome of the war? I had to ask more and find out what she knew. “I am Alexandra the human girl that crossed into your world from the fae door but how did you know about me and why I’m here?” She laughed and as she began to speak I found myself more and more intrigued by her “I know because the council made it apparent by letting all the magick creatures on this side of the plains know you were here and that you mean no harm because here you are more powerful than you could ever be in your realm.” I looked at her with astonishment I waved good bye and walked to the council running over the bridge passed the brownies, red caps, Baobhan sith, and other small magick beings I walk into the same council hall where I met the fae elders and from at their feet I screamed “What is going on here!” My voice echoed through the walls of the council halls “Answer me you cowards! Am I just some weapon to you because I am human, what is it that makes me powerful!” They appeared in front of me and explained that I was no mere mortal I was the offspring of a Moon Fae and a human man. I dropped to my knees and began to process it all it didn’t make sense how was I supposed to fight if I had never used my powers. “She was our other council member, but she passed to the other world when we were attacked and left you her prized possessions.” They took me to her quarters where they presented me with her armor and sword they told me I would be wearing it into battle and that this would be my new arrangements to sleep in as of today. I drifted my hands across the black armor with a White crescent emblem. I turned to the elders and said with grief in my voice “I need someone to help me access my powers so I can fight and someone to teach me how to sword fight.” I left to go back to my new living arrangements I couldn’t stop thinking about the news I heard I was enraged that my mother was dead that my father never told me I was half Fae. There was a tapping on the wooden door in entered a slender male in a black and white cloak he got on his knee “Your grace I am Oíche Naofa here to help train you, no time can be wasted.” I followed him out my living space to the training field he gave me a wooden sword and told me to attack the wooden post I focused on the target I moved with ease with each passing strike he watched me amazed at my speed how smooth and flawless my movements were. “You’re a natural!” He exclaimed “maybe you’re ready for your first moving target?” He removed his cloak and tossed me a sword and drew his from the sheath; his body was something remarkable he had markings that looked tribal and a crescent moon branding on his chest. “Is he like me?” I whispered to myself as he charged full force at me our speed and agility were evenly matched he threw down his sword breathing heavily and looked at me “Maybe it’s time for some magick training what do you think?” I nodded in agreement, we stood in silence for a moment as Oíche leapt into the air and his wings expanded they were like the night sky he told me to imagine like I was weightless like a cloud. I leapt into the air and my wings expanded; while in flight I asked him what fairies like myself can do. He looked at me and said “You control the phases of the moon, your shadow the shadows of others, the light from the moon, creatures of the night, and empathy and reverse empathy.” I was nervous I looked at him “how do I do this, how do I unlock this unopened potential?” He laughed and said “just focus on me make me the target.” I stared at Oíche as I prayed to Lugh for his magick skills he began to cry laugh and become angry I was manipulating his emotions, we landed our wings retreated back and when he least expected it I attacked him with his own shadow. “You’re ready.” He said his voice weak and cracked, night fell in the distance the Banshee screams the Wulvers begin to howl, we gathered in the plains facing the Dark Castle I led the army of good in the horizon we could see the evil rising. “We don’t attack until they cross the bridge into the plain.” I called upon the aid of my mother’s Boobrie for aerial aid; as I watched my Boobrie take flight I took hold of my cross and hoped that Morrigan would bring me to victory. When they crossed the bridge they sent out their Baobhan sith, Baisd Bheulach, Slaugh, and imprisoned Hobgoblins. “Charge” I yelled with vigor as I rode the back of a Cu Sith my sword drawn, their fleet was strong but we had them out numbered and one by one they dropped like flies the last one standing was their leader I dropped her to her knees and made her shadow slowly crawl up her body and choked her to death. I was hoisted on the shoulders of the people who fought beside me cheering and singing we were stopped by the elders they glaired at me and asked to speak with me I walk into the council room. “Yes, my elders?” they looked at me with concern “Alexandra we need to know if you wish to stay here in the fae realm or go home?” I stood tall and looked them dead in the face and shouted “I wish to stay here in the fae realm.”

The author's comments:
This is a short story I wrote for my English 111 Class


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