The Everyday Life Of a Soldier | Teen Ink

The Everyday Life Of a Soldier

November 2, 2014
By Anonymous

  The pilot started screaming, then stopped abruptly. I realised that the pilot was dead and the helicopter was crashing. “Everybody jump!” yelled the commander. I sighed, and this day had started of so well

6 Hours Ago

     I woke up feeling great. It was the weekend and I could relax. All I wanted to do was continue to lay in bed, but I forced myself up. I brushed my teeth, put on army shorts, and a smiley face shirt. I ate my usual breakfast of cheerios, cornflakes, and milk. Just like when I was a kid. l. Now I was 25 but still eating cereal.That’s when the call came. “Ring, ring, ring.” It was my squad leader, Joe. How cliche I thought. A soldier with the name Joe. “We’re being deployed” Joe said. “Ok I'll start packing”  I said to Joe, but on the inside I was screaming NO NOT AGAIN. I am an officer in the airforce and I had been dreading this moment since the last time I had been deployed. We are going to be dropped in a terrorist operations building in Syria. Our mission: eliminate all hostiles and try to uncover any secret plots. I met up with my squad and boarded the helicopter. It was a civilian news chopper so the terrorists wouldn’t know that we were coming. We took off so we started checking our weapons and ammo. There was a rookie on our squad and I noticed that he was so nervous his teeth were chattering. I took a live round out of my clip and gave it to him. “Pop this in your mouth,” I said “It stops your teeth from chattering.”



     I jumped and pulled my chute. The commander gave the order to land on the roof of the terrorist building. Only one problem; there were 3 terrorists on the roof armed with AK-47 heavy assault rifles. “Lock and load,” said the commander, “ready, aim, fire!” Every soldier is equipped with at least one silenced weapon and 3 of the soldiers used them. The bodies were dragged out of sight and we stood in a circle and took inventory of our equipment with the sound of our crashing helicopter in the background. The building was a skyscraper with glass windows. I estimated about 50 stories. We would have to get down through all of them. We couldn’t rappel down because the ropes and grapples had been lost in the helicopter There was six of us. All but one had made it out of that helicopter. As I looked around I realised that it was the rookie. I instantly felt horrible and wondered as I had wondered many times why I had joined the air force. Now I was feeling really upset so I distracted myself by counting all the equipment I had left. I had my M-16 with 3 extra 20 round clips. My M-16 was custom spray painted red and gold just like the colors of Iron Mans suit. This assault rifle was hanging on a sling right in front of me. In my shoulder holster I had a Sig Sauer with a 10 round clip in it. Along with a silencer. I had 3 extra 10 round clips on my belt right next to the M-16 clips. Strapped to my thigh was a combat knife with a 10 inch blade. On the right side of my belt there was a combat tomahawk. My personal favorite weapon. A tomahawk is a small axe that can be thrown but also can be used in hand to hand combat. The knife and tomahawk were if any of the terrorists got up close and personal. Boom. They would have a knife in the stomach and a tomahawk in their forehead. After successfully taking inventory of our equipment we started down the stairs very carefully. As we went down the different stories of the building I saw signs of violence and torture; There was bloodstains on the walls and bullet holes on the floor along with bullet casings lying around. On floor number 43 we encountered our first terrorist. He was sitting there listening to the greatest hits of the 90s. Joe said we’ve got a tango. I took my silenced Sig Sauer out but then decided against it. I shouldn’t waste ammo. Instead I crept up behind the terrorist with my combat knife and quickly slit his throat while at the same time covering his mouth with my gloved hand to muffle the yelp of pain and the gurgle as blood rushed into the lungs. I checked him for ammo but he wasn’t carrying the right weapon. Tango eliminated I whispered to my squad.We continued down through the building taking out terrorists as we went along. As we went through we lost members of our squad who weren’t careful enough in creeping up behind the terrorists and forced us into a full on firefight. This happened on floor 35. All attempts at stealth ceased and we ran through the building shooting everything that moved. I soon realised that we were running out of ammunition and there was only three of us left. The situation was grim. My M-16 was out of ammo and spare clips so I dropped It and pulled out my Sig Sauer. I checked the clip and saw that though it was full, it was my last one. 10 shots left I thought to myself. Better make them count. On the next story I see 3 terrorists standing together talking in a foreign language. They seemed very agitated, probably because of my squad and I. I asked my 2 remaining buddies if they had any ammo but their reply was negative. I crept up as close as I could and quickly shot all three of them in the head. They were dead before they hit the ground. This left me with seven bullets and as we continued down the last couple stories those were all put into the heads of terrorists. On the first floor the terrorists made a last desperate stand and they picked of my remaining 2 squad members. One of them was Joe. This left just me. All I had left was my knife and tomahawk. I counted the remaining terrorists. There was 4. I decided for a last all out assault. As I drew my knife and tomahawk and ran right at the enemy my vision narrowed and all I saw was my foes. The first one got a tomahawk in the gut and as a giant spurt of blood flew into my face as he collapsed. Before I could get back the tomahawk the next one was on me. He shot me in the arm and the pain shot through it then went numb as he  hit my shoulder with the butt of his rifle but I didn’t fall. I cried out in pain while simultaneously stabbing him through the throat. I pulled out my knife and through it right at the heart of the next terrorist. With my momentum I tackled the last terrorist and promptly snapped his neck. I did it. I had won, but I was badly wounded. As I exited the building I heard sirens and stopped. The  local police were coming. As I walked to the awaiting police car I heard a gunshot and turned. The last thing I saw was the face of a terrorist and a smoking gun barrel pointed at my chest. Then my vision turned red and I faded to blackness.

The Next Day

“ Breaking news” says the reporter. “ Lone soldier makes it out of terrorist building with numerous wounds only to be shot in the back by a terrorist survivor. The soldier passed away 1 hour ago in a hospital somewhere in the country of Syria. To the family of this soldier we are all mourning with you.”

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