Professional Bull Riders | Teen Ink

Professional Bull Riders

November 25, 2014
By TheKid5 BRONZE, Blanco, Texas
TheKid5 BRONZE, Blanco, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I was in the bucking chutes I blocked out everything and made my mind clear. I felt every time the bull took a breath it would crush my legs agents the bucking chutes. I told my partner to start to pull my rope tight. I wrapped the rope around my hand I sat up on my rope and situated myself I nodded my head. When I did that it’s like I open the gates of hell. It was on the bull started to buck it turned to the left then to the right. I felt like I was standing on top of a roller-coaster but the only thing keeping my on it was a rope.  I hear the buzzer go off the whole stadium is yelling J.B. J.B. J.B. then I looked up at the clock and it said 8 seconds and the judges gave me a score of 92.5. I was in first place for the PBR World Finals.
Now I waited on Jose Alves to see what the judges gave him. They were taking so long to get his score and the wait was killing me. 10 minutes the scores came in it was a tie. I thought to myself I didn’t do good enough to bet him. Then my wife told me not to worry that we were going to have a rematch in Tulsa. Just me and him in a couple of weeks we got back to my hometown of Charlotte, NC and every day I would be a the ring bucking bulls getting myself better. For the next couple weeks I got my stuff down and the end of the last week I had my dad put J.B. Buck on the back of my vest the told me “here son so if the bull stomps on you and when to go to the hospital and can’t tell who you are they just read the back of your vest and they will know.” 
The time was here were we see who the champ was going to be I got to Tulsa I got the ring and it was packed we both when to the center of the ring and one of the judges had papers in his hat of the bull Alves picked first and got smack down then I when I opened and my heart drop the paper said bushwhacker. I thought of all the pasted time me and that bull meet and did not end well. They load my bull first I was going first I just acted like I never seen a bull before and cleared my mind. I drop my rope down in the chutes I have someone hook my rope. They pulled my rope through the loop and started to pull it meanwhile Bushwacker was kicking snoring he was ready to get out of the chute. The rope got tied till I told them to stop pulling I wrapped the rope around my hand once. I shuck my head to open the gate.
The gate swung open I held on. He buck left then his rear end came up I thought to myself here it comes I’m going head first and getting knock out but I leaned back and stayed with him I hear the buzzer everyone when crazy yelling my name. I looked at Alves I could see in his face he was worried. They loaded up smack down and Alves was getting ready he sat on his bull he knotted his head the gate swung out and something amazing happen he got bucked off on his first buck it was final I knew that I won the championship.
I was the top guy and the number one the ceremony came and they gave me my trophy. I left that arena knowing that I beat Bushwacker and I was the champion. I got into my truck and was going to the party they were planning for me. I got to the party and everyone was happy and cheering me on Alves was there he didn’t look so happy but I didn’t pay any attention it. I was partying having a good time then Alves pulled me a side and was talking he told me “Goodbye” I felt an pain in my stomach like I was stabbed a million times I looked down and realized I was shoot and on the floor. I felt so cold and I was paly white I saw a bright light.


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