human encounter | Teen Ink

human encounter

December 31, 2014
By nuberaahmed SILVER, Lahore, Other
nuberaahmed SILVER, Lahore, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Human instincts have always undermined animal existence due to numerous reasons. A conflict or bonds of love between the wild creatures and the civilized humans have always been debatable. Once there took place a life changing event for two animals once. This made them think that humans are the dark side of the mother earth. In the far grasslands of African savanna a mile away from the farm houses an elephant stood quenching his thirst by the lake. A moment later a brown pricey horse approaching towards him.  He gave him a mutual kind gesture but the horse seemed troubled and uneasy. After listening to his emotional turmoil the elephant replied with a clever grin “you got to be careful with humans you see lad. See sometimes they are not as nice as we assume they are.” “No!” the horse said with a assuring heartbroken voice, “my master was the most kind and generous man I have ever seen, I am lost and shelter less  but still his royal pet.” The elephant nodded in disagreement and answered “I will prove t to you that humans are actually cruel and wretched creatures. Let’s find your kind master and I bet he won’t let you step in his home because you are unhygienic.” The elephant sounded sarcastic. Horse wanted to defend his side but he himself doubted and feared this to be the reality. After a long walk the poor animal’s persistency was not at all generously rewarded. As they came closer to the human territory it seemed as if they knew that the loyal pet was coming. Suddenly a cage was dropped on them and they were deprived of their freedom. As they mourned horse remembered elephant’s warning and had sheer regrets.

Moral; kindness and loyalty should be paid back generously.

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