Megan Sky | Teen Ink

Megan Sky

October 9, 2015
By Megan3209 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Megan3209 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ring. Finally I think I’m out of high school. The school was very old and I knew this was the last time I would smell that smoke smell in the halls. My parents said that they went to the same high school I did here in LA. The ceilings were high in every room. There were no rooms with windows whatsoever the only windows were at the front of the school. It felt like a prison. Everyone was rushing to their lockers to clean them out then put the door to go to their car, parents car, or bus.
     “Megan, wait for me” Lauryn Grey calls after me.
Lauryn Grey has been my best friend since we were babies and we may have never know each other if it wasn't for are parents.  I scoot over to the side of the hall and let her catch up. 
“ Hey Lauryn. What are you doing tonight?”
“I have to work. What are you doin?.”
“I’m starting my training to be a cop, I want to catch people like Louis Blue.”
Louis Blue was the murderer of my brother Felix. I know this for a fact because I watched him impale my brother with a metal bumper from a car. Louis Blue used to go to our school until that night he  murdered my brother and in court he lied and blamed it on my boyfriend John and I just couldn’t convince the judge that it was Louis. My boyfriend and I had to break up because he was sentenced to life in prison.
“Sounds fun,” Lauryn says
“Yeah, I guess,” I answer .
I walk out the double doors and to my red Jeep. Ivette and Maddie are already sitting in the car. Ivette has been my best friend since second grade and I have known Maddie since first grade.
“What took you so long?”asks Ivette in a playful voice.
“Sorry I was talking to Lauryn,” I answered.
I hop into the car and start it.
“My turn to pick the radio station” Maddie says as she reaches up and turns the dial until she gets to 97.3.
We drove home listening to the radio and talking about where we were going to college and where we had already applied for. I drop off Maddie of at her house and since Ivette is also  going to training she was going to come to my house until training begins .  We started heading towards my own house when I see a guy that looks like Louis Blue so I slowed down and moved to the side of the road. I roll up windows and press a button to put up the cover over the hood.
“Ivette? Doesn’t he look like Louis Blue?”
“Yeah it does.Let’s watch him and see what he does.”
We watch him cross the road in front of us . He looks at me with a weird expression like he knows me. He takes of running. I start the car and follow behind him while calling our trainer Ashley.
“Hey. What’s wrong?” Ashley asks
“I think we found Louis Blue.” I say. “I’m following him he is in a red pickup truck.”
“Okay I’m on my way. Don't forget to turn on your GPS so I can find you.” she says and then hangs up.
Even though I’m just out of high school and just starting training if i see or recognize criminals i can chase them down, but I just can’t be put into mission still in training
Okay Megan get your head in the game and don’t lose sight of him I think. Within twenty minutes we are out of town and Ashley is behind us. I can see a red light up ahead and I know he won’t stop so I turn on my siren and I chase him through the red light and into an ally. It’s a dead end.
“Dang it,” I hear Louis yell
“We have you now. Put your hands up and get up against the wall” Ashley hollers while getting out of the car.
Ashley walks to us and gives us each a gun. I point the gun at Louis’s head. In training they have told us to always ask their name even if we did know who they were.So I do.
“What’s your name?” I shout.
“My name is John,” he answers.
I could tell he was lying because I remember hearing that same lying voice in the courtroom when he blamed the murder of my brother Felix on Jack
“You’re lying” I yell. “ I know that voice from the courtroom.”
He turns and you can tell he now knows who I am by the surprised look on his face.
“Turn around!” I shout at him
He turns quickly as I pull my gun back up from my side. I pat him down and find two pocket knives and a loaded pistol. When I go to put on the handcuffs, he takes of running.  Ashley, Ivette, and I start running after him. Even in the crowd you could see where he was at because they were separating and moving out of the way. We follow him for twenty blocks when we lose sight of him.
“ Where did he go?” I shout up at Ashley who was few steps ahead of me.
“I don’t know,” she shouts, “Maybe we should stop for the day and head back to headquarters and put out a notification to cities and transportation places all around here.”
“You can, I’m going to go search around for awhile,” I say while catching up to her
“No Megan. I need you to help me write a report.”
“I’m sorry, Ashley, I can’t, I have to try to find him” I say starting to run again
Ivette follows behind me until a turn and we separate ways.
I run around for about two hours before actually stopping and getting a Gatorade from the store and starting to walk back towards where my car was.I call Ivette and tell her to meet me at the car. I walk for about another hour and I finally reach the ally we were in. I hop in the car and grab my cell phone to check for any important notifications and wait for Ivette . I had a messages from Lauryn saying
“Hey do you want to go to the mall on Sunday”
“Sorry for the late text back. I was chasing down Louis Blue. And yes I would love to go to the mall as long as I don't have to work,” I answer.
Ivette shows up twenty minutes after I did and she hops in the car
We drive home with the radio off in silence. When I drop her off, my my phone rings. I look and I see it’s my brother Jack.
“Hey Megan it's Ken”
Ken is my other brother, he is a little older than I am.
“Why didn’t you call from your phone?”
“Because my phone is upstairs and Jack’s was right here.”
“Oh ok. What do you need?” I ask
“Can you drive me to Mark's house?”
“Sure, as long as I can stay and hang out with you guys,” I answer.
“Fine you can stay.”
“Ok be home soon be ready.”
Mark used to be a cop until he was traumatised when his best friend Wade was killed. He isn’t very tall, but he isn’t short and he has brown hair and blue eyes. Me and Mark first saw each other when he first was brought to our house by Ken. Me and Mark are both the same age and we booth just graduated high school. Two years after my boyfriend went to jail I knew I would never see him again since he was sentenced to life I was single until Mark came along and we have been dating him for two years this coming July.
I pull into the driveway and when I come to stop Ken hops in. I look in the mirror to check my long brown hair I look in the corner of the mirror and I see a picture of Felix which made me a little sad, I look into my own light blue eyes and see that I'm on the brink of tears. I think Ken could tell that I was sad since I was almost crying so he started being his crazy self like always which cheered me up.
As we drove down the road, I wondered when the next time I would be that encounter Louis, and if  I would let him slip away again.

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