The Day of Hope | Teen Ink

The Day of Hope

October 15, 2015
By OmarLocoTaco BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
OmarLocoTaco BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     One wonderful day Mary Phil an older lady that lives with her husband named John Phil. They took a hike in Lakeside Park, and then suddenly they heard a loud noise falling from the sky that made them jump. Mary and John parade to a close tree to be safe. When the huge disk had hit the Mary and John had no idea what the grayish disk was until they both went to find out. They saw a baby boy lying in the disk. A couple of years had passed and living with his parents they burred the disk so nobody likes the FBI or special agents find out. Cesar Phil went to his last day of high school
He told himself” I might just work with dad in the field or my own job witch was The Burger Palace”.
Hour after Hour of classes had been waiting to go home. RRRRIIINNNGGG! The bell had ringed and Cesar was so excited that school was over now. He ran home to tell his parent how his day until Cesar got home there was no noise it was so quiet. Cesar never found the farm so quiet Cesar dropped his bag and went striking to the house yelling
Cesar Opened front door with butterfly in his stomach once he opened the door his heart sink. Cesar fell down on the floor like a boiling ball and crying his eyes out Cesar’s parents were dead on the bloody ground. John told Cesar that he’ll make the world a better place. Cesar was thinking who would murder his parents for no reason. A few minute had passed and the police, firefighters, and the medics had come to the crime scene. Cesar had to go with the police so he can find a family member. Cesar had a rough day so Cesar just fell asleep in the chair to wait for his Uncle Jake and Any to pick him up at the police station. It was the saddest day for Cesar he had to go to the ceremony and burn his parents. Once Cesar arrived at the ceremony he looked at everyone and one of his parents brother can up to him and told him,
“I’m very sorry for your parents I know it’s hard but any time you need me call me at this number ok."
Cesar graved the little piece of paper and it had digits on the paper. During the ceremony Cesar stood up and went to the speaker to a talk.
Cesar stated to talk to the audiences, " My parents were the best they took good care of me; I will always love them look at them with my heart when I feel lonely I will always look and think of them."
Everybody looked a Cesar with his sad face and tears falling slowly down his checks. It was time to go so Cesar and his uncle, aunt went out to eat once he took he finished
His food Cesar heard something he never heard before BOOM!!!
A weird look alien at Cesar and told him in a voice that was very pitch.
"You have two day to leave this plant or else you wish you were never born".
Once Cesar got home he got lots of bookcases to put his clothes in it. Cesar dropped a book that he liked to read on the floor and he heard something under his floor. Cesar opened the floor and he found a orange and blue suit with a blue cape. Caesar tried the suit on and he felt dizziness and he fell to the floor. After two hour Cesar went outside and jumped he jumped so far that he could have went to the moon. He started to run toward the field and he ran so fast that you couldn't even see him. Cesar stopped in front of a scarecrow and punched it the scarecrow turned into little pieces. When Cesar went home he stitched a liter H. Cesar just randomly said The Hope.
"Cesar breakfast, come down and get something to eat, Cesar aunt yelled."
Cesar went down and turn on the television and saw the same alien that attacked him last time. Cesar rushed to eat his food and to put on his The Hope suit. Cesar told his aunt and uncle that he is going to town.
They replied," YA!  But don't get close to the city okay."

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