The Kid That Turned Good | Teen Ink

The Kid That Turned Good

October 15, 2015
By hibye01 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
hibye01 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
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With one punch to the face he goes down the guy that got punched is John Davis. He’s short with short black hair and a smile that makes the girls go crazy but he can’t fight to save his life. One day on the day of October 1st he was walking the halls at school like normal, when all of the sudden a 6’4 200lbs bully of the school, Mark Johnson, went over to john, forcefully grabbed john’s books out of his hand and dropped them. Everybody ran over to see what was happening. They formed a circle around them telling them to fight. John tried to run but Mark grabbed john and said,
“You are not going anywhere” and with one punch to the face he went down.
Every one walks away because the teachers are coming the teachers are running to save John. The teachers get to John, one of the teachers picks him up and carries him to the nurse. If it weren’t for the teachers he could have died.
Mark does not care; he would kill someone if they got him mad enough. Mark started his police record at the age of 10. Mark lives with his dad. his mom died in gang related activity. His dad beats him when he gets mad. Mark has grown up that way. So now when he goes to school and gets mad he beats on people.
The principal called both of them down to his office. As they are walking down a police officer walks with them because that another time he attacks kids. As they are walking down to the office it was dead silent and all you heard was there footsteps and the other officers talking over the radio. Once they got to the office Mr. Casey said “Nice to see you both made it” they both sit down in the chairs in front of them.
Mr. Casey said “Let’s talk so I heard you two got into a fight today can you tell me about it John.”
John said
I was walking the halls like normal. All of the sudden he grabbed my books and dropped them on the ground. When I tried to walk away he grabbed me and hit me in the face. As John said that Mark looked at him like he was going to beat him up for saying that.
Mr. Casey said
“Now it’s your turn to talk Mark” Mark said
“It’s true I beat him up”
` Mr. Casey said
“We are going to call John’s dad to see if I wants to press charges.” Mr. Casey called John’s dad. click click click Johns dad answers and Mr. Casey says
“Hi this is Mr. Casey at Lakewood Middle School your son. was beat up today and the officers and I want to know if you want to press charges.”
John’s dad said
“If he is bleeding then yes.”
Mr. Casey said
“He is bleeding from is eye brow so you are pressing charges then ok we will get this taking care of. Have a good day.” He hangs up. Mr. Casey calls in the officers. The officers come in and they say “Hands behind your back”. they put him in handcuffs and then read him his rights
“You have the right to remain silent. anything you say or do will be used against. you have the right to an attorney. if you cannot afford one one will be appointed to you. do you understand these right as they were read to you?”
Mark said
“Yes” then they escorted him to their car. As escorted him to their car John was thinking 
“Yes he is finally out of my life for a few weeks.”
In juvenile detention center, life was easy for Mark because being big the fight with the other kids were easy because he could swing down and hit them but most of them were not tall enough to hit him in the face. But there was one kid in the detention center that showed him that he was not big and bad. His name is Kevin. He is a foot smaller but he packs a punch that knocks anyone out with one hit. Mark and Kevin became friends which is not good for the other kids. It’s not good because the two biggest kids became friends. When they were in there Kevin had an idea to start a gang. Mark did not know at first because that is how his mom died. But he finally said yes. The name of the gang was the Aryan brotherhood. The gang started ok. they started jumping people in then more and more until it was so big it spread across the whole United States. One day Mark woke up thinking I am big on the streets but when I come here there are people that are a lot bigger than me. At lunch he told his gang I don’t want to be in the gang anymore it’s too much for me right now. The gang said “Ok but watch yourself”
The next day as he was walking back to his cell from the shower one of the people in his gang had made a shank the night before. The guy in the gang came up behind him being as quite as he could be, raised his hand up, and sliced him in the face with the shank. The guards ran over taking the guy who did it to the hole and Mark to the hospital. Mark was lucky because it was his lased day in the detention center. If he was there any longer he would have died. As he got to the hospital the cut was so deep you could see the bone and three inches long. The nurses stitched him up. He was taken back to get everything. When he got back to school he got good grades and realized he was not big and bad like he thought he was. Later in the year he was adopted.       

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